Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Man, it's a ghost town in here. I take it no one has one.
Thanks for the replies guys. If the product works and does what it says, and helps me get our presses perfect I got no problem spending the money. It's gotta be better than the old out a quarter and nickel under each corner of the screen bullshit.
Sonny, that sounds like hell. I think a series 1 would be off by rougly 10 times your tolerance in about 2-3 days of normal production. Our Gauntlet's platens will be up to 1/16" out of parallel in about 3 production days. We were paralleling every Friday and now it's every Wed and Fri. One thing that any of these jigs will not help with is the plane of carriage- if the carriages and print head arms are not in plane with each other across their entire linear motion or very, very close you will still have frustrations on a press with screen holder and platens in parallel. Use a flood bar and no screen loaded to confirm that each print head is on the same plane and fix that if needed first, then get to it with keeping holders and platens in parallel.