Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
As many know, I burned my entire shop (on my residential property) down a few years back with your flash dryer's second cousin!I was no rookie at the time.My new shop's much nicer, but there are far less drastic ways to start a renovation.
melted the rubber topping on my platen hahah. Did a small run of 24 shirts this morning, 2 colors with a flash..knocked it out quickly and I was so happy i had zero problems and didnt not ruin any shirts...I come into my kitchen to sort and QC..about 20 minutes in i smell buring rubber and my house alarms start going off..I haul butt to the garage and it was full of smoke...i literally DIVE over the exposure unit and turn off the breaker to the flash..i turned my conveyor off when the job was done but not my flash!!!!..now my entire house smells like burnt rubber...and i have to now replace the rubber top of the pallet. Luckily I was home...what if i left to run an errend or something???!!!! or deliver the shirts maybe?...I was counting my blessings let me tell ya! So now all the windows are open...fans running in all room.....and i am looking at the silver lining that now at least i get to learn how to replace the rubber top. I needed to learn how to do it and now there is no putting it off.Other than almost burning my house down, the job went off without a hitch hahahaha