Yeah, I bet that hustling, I can remove a screen, squeegee & flood bar from our Challenger II in about 10 seconds. I show the moves to all the press helpers, & the screens & squeegees go to a table where they can be ignored while the next job is getting set. We keep enough squeegees to almost always have a clean set ready to go, too. I get tense when I see a press operator wiping down a squeegee instead of registering a job.
On the cleanup, I train my folks to clean the squeegees first and worry about the dirty screens last. The helper helps get the next job's worth of screens set in the heads, squeegees clamped in & ink loaded, then while the press operator is running test prints and fine tuning, they can clean up the last job until it's time to run.
I timed a run last week with two of us taclking it --including tearing down a 6-color job & setting up another 6-color job, we were at about 6.5 minutes a color from last shirt to first shirt.