Author Topic: Common Wealth Closed  (Read 7952 times)

Offline Sbrem

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #15 on: April 23, 2013, 07:55:47 AM »
They shut down 5 towns to catch this turd, and just about everyone around here is fine with that. Sometimes, nice doesn't work so well... Yes, he is an American citizen, but earning that means that an oath to defend the US is taken, so is he really due his rights since he broke his oath? He plainly did that as subterfuge, no matter what someone has to say about his brother leading him on. He's been here 10 years, he knew exactly what he was doing. I've stayed pretty quiet on this, because so much is being said already.

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #16 on: April 23, 2013, 08:17:50 AM »
There is no way to change people's mind who have that mentality. Only when it directly and personally hits close to home.  Rights?  He gave up his rights when he decided to build a bomb and place in a public place with the intention of killing as many innocent people as possible. Rights?  These are the same type people who say we shouldn't have the right to bear arms even though that is also constitutional.  They like to cherry pick what they want.

Offline inkman996

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #17 on: April 23, 2013, 08:51:47 AM »
There is no way to change people's mind who have that mentality. Only when it directly and personally hits close to home.  Rights?  He gave up his rights when he decided to build a bomb and place in a public place with the intention of killing as many innocent people as possible. Rights?  These are the same type people who say we shouldn't have the right to bear arms even though that is also constitutional.  They like to cherry pick what they want.

Who says we shouldn't have the right to bear arms?

Last i checked I own a fire arm, I certainly respect my right to bear arms.

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Offline mk162

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #18 on: April 23, 2013, 08:57:29 AM »
BTW our government sent us to Iraq to get proven WMDs.  You probably still believe that one lol.

Actually Brandt, there was a convoy that left Iraq and headed into Syria the night before we invaded...also they DID have WMD's, we sold them to Saddam when he was fighting the Russians...and he used them on his own people.

So, they did exist...and probably still do since Syria has been using chemical weapons on it's civilians.

Normally I would side on libertarian side, but you have a guy they are 99% sure had something to do with the most horrific attack on US soil since 9/11 and we are supposed to pretend that he is a run-of-the-mill tax evader or something?

Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #19 on: April 23, 2013, 08:58:43 AM »
He's owed his day in court.  Period.  That's how it works in america.

Your right Brandt we should have just let them go and asked them nicely to come in and answer some questions.

Didn't say anything like that Mike.  Twist it however you like though and give up your rights if you like and have a guy pointing a gun at you who is suppose to be there to look for the "bad guys". 

Who says we shouldn't have the right to bear arms?

Last i checked I own a fire arm, I certainly respect my right to bear arms.

But you are apparently okay giving up your 4th Amendment right.

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Offline mk162

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #20 on: April 23, 2013, 09:01:58 AM »
Here's the other problem, if they managed to set off more devices and kill more civilians, would you be talking about how badly they botched the manhunt?

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #21 on: April 23, 2013, 09:03:15 AM »
BTW our government sent us to Iraq to get proven WMDs.  You probably still believe that one lol.

Actually Brandt, there was a convoy that left Iraq and headed into Syria the night before we invaded...also they DID have WMD's, we sold them to Saddam when he was fighting the Russians...and he used them on his own people.

So, they did exist...and probably still do since Syria has been using chemical weapons on it's civilians.

Which isn't the context it was "sold" to the american people, now was it....

Normally I would side on libertarian side, but you have a guy they are 99% sure had something to do with the most horrific attack on US soil since 9/11 and we are supposed to pretend that he is a run-of-the-mill tax evader or something?

We aren't suppose to pretend anything, I never suggested we don't go after him, I suggested that having to give up my rights shouldn't be part of it.  Apparently bending the rules is okay with some, it isn't with all I assure you.  Because guess what, once they bend, they eventually break.  I find that a big deal.  Sorry that you do not.
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Offline mk162

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #22 on: April 23, 2013, 09:06:24 AM »
Get used to your rights going away, this admin has/will do more of that than any in history.

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #23 on: April 23, 2013, 09:07:18 AM »
Here's the other problem, if they managed to set off more devices and kill more civilians, would you be talking about how badly they botched the manhunt?

Nope, this guy was going to be found and them mounting up to do so was good.  Locking the public down and going into their homes though.  Welcome to a police state. 

Next thing you know we will be doing this when a druggie runs from the cops.  Laws bend, then they break. 
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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #24 on: April 23, 2013, 09:07:38 AM »
Get used to your rights going away, this admin has/will do more of that than any in history.

Ya, that makes it okay!
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Offline mk162

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #25 on: April 23, 2013, 09:09:37 AM »
Hey, people willingly walked into a ballot box and did that.

I am not a fan of how they conducted the search either, but you have essentially a para-military goon roaming the streets of Boston.  They threw pipe bombs at the police when they were being chased.

Walk us through how you would have liked it done.

Offline inkman996

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #26 on: April 23, 2013, 09:15:27 AM »
Brandt you cannot put your self in the shoes of either the people living in that neighbor hood or the shoes of the lawmen tasked to hunt the man down. Try to imagine the feelings of the citizens in that area considering two bombs just blew up nearly 200 citizens. Now try to put your self in the mind of the men hunting this person who just allegedly shot and murdered a police officer the night before. Do you expect them to walk around with their guns holstered? Knowing the man would probably shoot them in the head if they came around a corner and found him? And seriously the 4th amendment? You need to read some more first Brandt and get a better grasp at what the authorities can do in a dangerous situation and that includes walking around with guns and closing streets, BTW the shelter in place was not an order it was requested of the people. Marshal law was not declared, the authorities urged the citizens to stay in place and work with them not against them. They shut the roads down because they could, you do not have a right to use roads thats a privilege not a right. People were still out on foot all over the area, but for the most part people were staying in their homes supporting the men putting their lives on the line to capture a wanted murderer and suspected terrorist.

I read some great stories of people brewing coffee and giving to the law men as they came through the neighborhoods, and of course we all seen the great videos of the people of Boston out cheering the men as they returned to their normal duties after capturing the fugitive. They did a great job, no one got hurt no one else died. People can complain to much money was spent but how much really? All those men are already on the books if they were not on Boston they would have been working some where else, so how much is to much? What if their was a larger cell of bombers? What if we didn't have resources in place and many more bombs went off? What if more terrorists popped up with guns and ambushed police officers across the city? What if like in Canada they were sabotaging infanstructure for a much larger disaster?

All and all my opinion is they did a great job, they showed the force our country has and the will of the people and the authorities to work together and protect our own.

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Offline inkman996

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #27 on: April 23, 2013, 09:18:05 AM »
Dudes WTF the police never searched any home unless given permission wow you guys really reach some times. There is even video of the police knocking on the doors of homes and asking if everything was ok, one cop was even heard saying would it make you feel safer if we searched your property and home, wow guys really? We do not live in freaking 1940 Germany
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Offline GraphicDisorder

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #28 on: April 23, 2013, 09:19:25 AM »
Hey, people willingly walked into a ballot box and did that.

I am not a fan of how they conducted the search either, but you have essentially a para-military goon roaming the streets of Boston.  They threw pipe bombs at the police when they were being chased.

Walk us through how you would have liked it done.

I don't know the answer as to how they should have done it, but I do know giving up my right to illegal search isn't and shouldn't have been a option. 

This cat would have turned up, my understanding is that he was wounded from the previous firefight.  Let him bleed out in a ditch. 

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Offline mk162

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Re: Common Wealth Closed
« Reply #29 on: April 23, 2013, 09:23:11 AM »
Actually, a video on proves the police didn't always ask permission, they forcibly searched homes.

The problem is I don't think any law enforcement agency prepared for this type of emergency.  It should be reviewed and we should learn how to do this better.

And yes, the guy as injured, he was more injured from the attempted suicide.  But again, what happens if he slips away again and detonates another pressure cooker bomb or something worse?  Then the police would be under such scrutiny for not doing enough.

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