Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I've heard others say good things about Camtasia. When I bought my SnapsPro, it was about 60-80.00 and worked on Macs. I do think that is a part of my YouTube issues.I am going to get Camtasia soon. It only runs on PC last I read.
We still do our rasters in PS, separate into channels, then import to Illustrator for addition of text and output. I know some have said that since computers now have greater power you can do the whole thing in PS, but we still find we have cleaner edges with the vector text without having to have a very high res PS image. At 55 line, 110 ppi is all that's really necessary for rasters, at least that's what I read then proved by trying it out. Steve
Dan, I don't know if I ever told you this story.... I was on a bulletin board back in 1990, telling this gentleman namedThomas Knoll how we where printing multi color spot art out of channels in Version 2.5.He was shocked and said he did not even know you could do that....Then in version three they where called Spot channels....That's no BS! For anyone not knowing that name... Just Google it 8)
Is anybody using calculations?