Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Brendt,Very cool. Are those printed or is it just art set on shirts in PS?
Brant, Jons questions goes to show how good your printing is getting. Thumbs up.I have a competitor in town that has a 6 col manual but puts up 10 and 12 color prints on mocked up tee shirts to make people think he's printing that. We can make mock ups look pretty close to an actual print with shirts fold shadows. Yours is the real deal. Who's the artist? Looks like Scott CamandZ.
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash3/180260_537142466326789_1205013638_n.jpgI am having a little hard time believing this one is a real print. how does the shirt at the top of the picture fold into the back tire of the car and the tire is not folded at all. Its a great rendering of a printed shirt if it is but if its a real print how did that happen. Not taking anything away from you here I love the style of these prints. Your designer is top notch.