Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Is it possible to use the CCI pigments with the d-base (no activator) to print a variety of pms waterbase colors. This would be in the place of using the W-base which I believe is made for this purpose.I only ask because we have a job that I cannot get the W-base in quick enough for and was wondering if non-activated d-base was an option.
We ran D-Base with no pigment and no activator on a variety of heather color tees to create a tone-on-tone look. We had no issues, however, we did print a sample that we scrubbed and washed multiple times prior to committing to the full run a few days later. Here are some photos.
You meant d-white, right? The photos look like d-white and black ink. Am I missing something?
For a long while there CCI didn't have a regular/non-discharge base.One occasion I can think of we were printing some mid-grounds and didn't know if certaincolors were going to need to discharge or not, so we used d-base and didn't activate unlesswe needed it. Wash tests months later were fine.If you think about it, the base has to bind the pigment regardless. Of course it's bestto use the right product, and there's a price incentive there as well.YMMV.
I appreciate the replies. It would be for a dark grey print on a lime shirt so I would think it shouldn't be a problem but if we attempt it I will do a wash test to be sure.
Don't know if I am too late to add anything of value - sorry no time in the day.We buy all of our bases (discharge white/d base) in drums - we do not buy and have never bought standard water base bases - just another ink to have around and we find there are times where we will have a color printed that we don't intend to discharge to get a certain look and then find we need about 1 - 2% agent to get the look we are going for and don't have to remix. Yes, the d base is slightly more expensive, but it's one less ink to have around as well.We have been through many different companies bases, pigments and inks along the way and still occasionally switch up inks - and have never had any problem with mixing one companies pigments with another's bases etc... YMMV, but that is just how we roll and have never had any issues.Hope this helps!