Author Topic: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts  (Read 24878 times)

Offline tonypep

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #45 on: October 24, 2012, 02:18:12 PM »
6% phone hater! ;)

Love you Tony!

Thanks for helping me Tony.  That's what this site is suppose to be about.  I would rather beat the info out of you guys so others may see this thread and get good info.  Calling someone just gets info for me.  Which seems some guard the info like its gold.

No problem. BTW I like the CCI WR25 and Hardener X for the stencil. Also don't use too much tape that can actually cause problems. I'll touch on that in April.

So thanks again Tony!
No problem. BTW I like the CCI WR25 and Hardener X for the stencil. Also don't use too much tape that can actually cause problems. I'll touch on that in April.

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #46 on: October 24, 2012, 02:20:28 PM »
Sorry, I didn't account for that beast of a computer you use and I forgot I read slow... it took me longer than 10 mins just to read the thread.

I'll go back into my corner now.

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #47 on: October 24, 2012, 02:21:55 PM »
Wow some of you really like beating dead horses, you guys are trying to make this thread about phone calls.  Get over it and move on, if you like to work that way then by all means do so.  We didn't ask your advice on that, and repeating it isn't going to change anything on our end.  So WASTE more of your time if you like.

Interestingly the purpose of a forum to start with is to share knowledge.  What some of you are suggesting and are so hung up on is actually restricts knowledge, that sounds like a really cool forum if we all just did it how you guys suggest and rather than share and seek knowledge among peers we all just "call a rep".

Which BTW, ebscreen, it wouldn't have taken nearly 28 posts (a lot of which are about phone calls?) if people where less about "call a rep" and more about "sharing knowledge".  I am happy this thread helped illustrate that.

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #48 on: October 24, 2012, 02:26:21 PM »
Sorry, I didn't account for that beast of a computer you use and I forgot I read slow... it took me longer than 10 mins just to read the thread.

I'll go back into my corner now.

Another shot by Gilligan.  It sure didn't take you long to start in again.  Not that I am shocked or anything.
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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #49 on: October 24, 2012, 02:28:05 PM »
6% phone hater! ;)

Love you Tony!

Thanks for helping me Tony.  That's what this site is suppose to be about.  I would rather beat the info out of you guys so others may see this thread and get good info.  Calling someone just gets info for me.  Which seems some guard the info like its gold.

No problem. BTW I like the CCI WR25 and Hardener X for the stencil. Also don't use too much tape that can actually cause problems. I'll touch on that in April.

So thanks again Tony!
No problem. BTW I like the CCI WR25 and Hardener X for the stencil. Also don't use too much tape that can actually cause problems. I'll touch on that in April.

I can probably get away with just regular emulsion for short testing right?  At least I think I read that somewhere? 
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Offline inkman996

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #50 on: October 24, 2012, 02:30:41 PM »
6% phone hater! ;)

Love you Tony!

Thanks for helping me Tony.  That's what this site is suppose to be about.  I would rather beat the info out of you guys so others may see this thread and get good info.  Calling someone just gets info for me.  Which seems some guard the info like its gold.

No problem. BTW I like the CCI WR25 and Hardener X for the stencil. Also don't use too much tape that can actually cause problems. I'll touch on that in April.

So thanks again Tony!
No problem. BTW I like the CCI WR25 and Hardener X for the stencil. Also don't use too much tape that can actually cause problems. I'll touch on that in April.

I can probably get away with just regular emulsion for short testing right?  At least I think I read that somewhere?

Just get a bottle of hardener with your order, that way you can use your regular emulsion, thats what we do for our solvent sign prints, we dont do any over 50 so regular emulsion with post hardened once or twice and they work fine.
"No man is an island"

Offline Gilligan

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #51 on: October 24, 2012, 02:32:11 PM »
LOL... this is hilarious.

Why not search it?  Don't want to waste the time, that's right... but it's ok to waste someone like Tony's time to ask a question that you are pretty sure the answer exist already.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I was going to go back and sit in my corner... I just happened to pass by the table on the way to the bathroom and couldn't help myself... again.  I'm sorry.

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #52 on: October 24, 2012, 02:35:06 PM »
6% phone hater! ;)

Love you Tony!

Thanks for helping me Tony.  That's what this site is suppose to be about.  I would rather beat the info out of you guys so others may see this thread and get good info.  Calling someone just gets info for me.  Which seems some guard the info like its gold.

No problem. BTW I like the CCI WR25 and Hardener X for the stencil. Also don't use too much tape that can actually cause problems. I'll touch on that in April.

So thanks again Tony!
No problem. BTW I like the CCI WR25 and Hardener X for the stencil. Also don't use too much tape that can actually cause problems. I'll touch on that in April.

I can probably get away with just regular emulsion for short testing right?  At least I think I read that somewhere?

Just get a bottle of hardener with your order, that way you can use your regular emulsion, thats what we do for our solvent sign prints, we dont do any over 50 so regular emulsion with post hardened once or twice and they work fine.

Thanks, will do. 
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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #53 on: October 24, 2012, 02:41:45 PM »
LOL... this is hilarious.

Why not search it?  Don't want to waste the time, that's right... but it's ok to waste someone like Tony's time to ask a question that you are pretty sure the answer exist already.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry... I was going to go back and sit in my corner... I just happened to pass by the table on the way to the bathroom and couldn't help myself... again.  I'm sorry.

Of course you couldn't help yourself, you freaking LOVE drama! 

BTW I didn't create this thread, you know that right?  In fact this thread had questions that really didn't relate to discharge at all since we do not do any of that yet.  But since some keep pounding at us to try it, we say why not, so why would I go search for info about it when we are being told to do it in a thread and if people are so passionate about pounding people to try it maybe they should offer up some info or even a link to info about how to do so. 

If I tell you to do something and you have never done it I would probably offer some info on how if I knew how.  Like knocking a hole in a wall to put a good machine in your poorly chosen business space.  But hey we all do things differently now don't we.
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Offline JBLUE

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #54 on: October 24, 2012, 03:10:14 PM »
Wow some of you really like beating dead horses, you guys are trying to make this thread about phone calls.  Get over it and move on, if you like to work that way then by all means do so.  We didn't ask your advice on that, and repeating it isn't going to change anything on our end.  So WASTE more of your time if you like.

Interestingly the purpose of a forum to start with is to share knowledge.  What some of you are suggesting and are so hung up on is actually restricts knowledge, that sounds like a really cool forum if we all just did it how you guys suggest and rather than share and seek knowledge among peers we all just "call a rep".

Which BTW, ebscreen, it wouldn't have taken nearly 28 posts (a lot of which are about phone calls?) if people where less about "call a rep" and more about "sharing knowledge".  I am happy this thread helped illustrate that.

Brandt you are getting knowledge shared with you. If you choose to throw thousands upon thousands of dollars away that is your choice. But when people are trying to share information that will save you a ton of money over the year there is no need to throw it back in their face. If you want to grow efficiently you have to have the mentality af saving money in a production environment. You cannot look at it as and artist, graphic guy, web guy, salesman, receptionist, or whatever other hats you wear in your business. You have to look at it from a production managers point of view. I bet with the money you would save by dealing direct it would be enough to pay a receptionist to handle all the ordering and answering emails that bog you down so badly. That would leave you more time to do art, answer emails, and keep growing your business.

Like I said in our PM's the 5 minute phone call would have gotten you what you wanted in less time than it took to answer the PM's and post on this forum. You would save money on top of that and still have some time leftover to share what you learned with the rest of the people that are not experienced in this.

Again not trying to beat a dead horse just help out someone that gave me some useful information about embroidery machines make more money.

We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid...... Ben Franklin

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #55 on: October 24, 2012, 03:35:22 PM »

Brandt you are getting knowledge shared with you.

After pages of people crying about phones.

If you choose to throw thousands upon thousands of dollars away that is your choice. But when people are trying to share information that will save you a ton of money over the year there is no need to throw it back in their face.

We didn't ask you or anyone here about how to save thousands or for them to concern themselves with what I spend or how I spend it.  I will worry about that.  There is more than one way to skin a cat.  You save money by playing on the phone, I do 2 sets of business cards while some chat about the weather and the latest widget they are selling at the supplier.  It's an example but you get my point.  I have asked in the past about where to get this stuff, I went YOU guys route and these guys dropped the ball until today (got 2 emails back today about samples finally.)  But no matter, its way past when I wanted to be trying this stuff so thus I move it along and BUY.

If you want to grow efficiently you have to have the mentality af saving money in a production environment.

Absolutely, however this is just to test out, ill worry about saving money on it when/if I start using it regularly.  Couldn't careless what it costs me right now.  I am up over 50% this year, I don't need any advice on growing my business or how to control my costs.  I asked where to buy a product online.  If someone didn't have an answer, then move on.  She was VERY clear in the request.  Just because you don't operate like that doesn't mean it can't be done. 

You cannot look at it as and artist, graphic guy, web guy, salesman, receptionist, or whatever other hats you wear in your business. You have to look at it from a production managers point of view. I bet with the money you would save by dealing direct it would be enough to pay a receptionist to handle all the ordering and answering emails that bog you down so badly. That would leave you more time to do art, answer emails, and keep growing your business. 

We have the money to hire more people if we like, we run a tight ship, just because I throw some money at something once and awhile to get it DONE doesn't have dick to do with day to day costs.  This isn't a day to day cost yet, so I am not concerned with what it costs me to try it out.  How in the frack did this turn into you worrying so much about my businesses costs?  Hell man I could use some more write offs, I do not care about the cost on this stuff to try it out.  Why are YOU caring so much.  Its my money. 

Like I said in our PM's the 5 minute phone call would have gotten you what you wanted in less time than it took to answer the PM's and post on this forum.

I disagree, I type/read pretty freaking fast and I am ALREADY at a computer all day.  Again why are you so concerned about it?  I am concerned with the amount of time you are wasting on this at this point.  I am not running a business that is having trouble.  We have plenty of extra capital around here.  If I need to spend $200 on something to try, not a issue.  Hell not even on my radar.

You would save money on top of that and still have some time leftover to share what you learned with the rest of the people that are not experienced in this. 

Actually if someone would have just answered her question from go we would have all saved a lot of time/money.  Imagine that.  I know this, you worrying about me saving money is ridiculous.  I am not worried about it, so why are you. 

Again not trying to beat a dead horse just help out someone that gave me some useful information about embroidery machines make more money.

I helped you out and now you are not at all being helpful to me, no offense.  I was VERY clear in PM as well.  I guess I wasn't blunt enough for you and you decided you'd dig some more.  You are being the oppisite of helpful. 

In the time you spent playing "let's run Brandt's business" posts/pms you could have typed out what I need to buy from Ryonetts site (requested page 2 first post by Shelly), and that would have been very helpful.  Whats the moral of this story?  You can get help from those that you have helped but only if you do it their way.

Thanks dude, but no thanks. 

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Offline ebscreen

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #56 on: October 24, 2012, 04:04:43 PM »
have typed out what I need to buy from Ryonetts site (requested page 2 first post by Shelly), and that would have been very helpful. 
Thanks dude, but no thanks.

To which TonyP (possibly only person on here that does know everything) replied with the best way to order said materials.
To which you replied rudely.

You can either actually know everything and be a dick or you can ask like the rest of us but you can't do both.

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #57 on: October 24, 2012, 04:21:57 PM »
have typed out what I need to buy from Ryonetts site (requested page 2 first post by Shelly), and that would have been very helpful. 
Thanks dude, but no thanks.

To which TonyP (possibly only person on here that does know everything) replied with the best way to order said materials.
To which you replied rudely.

You can either actually know everything and be a dick or you can ask like the rest of us but you can't do both.

Has nothing to do with "knowing everything".  But I do know our request had nothing to do with what some of you felt was so important to include. 

Guess you missed me thanking him, here is his actual first post and my first reply:

Base, White, and Activator. For now. For online the Nazdar Source one may show it. They carry it for now but push the Magna. It all works.

Thanks, checking now!

From there I was unable to find that stuff on Nazdars site so yes I then replied:

Ya I dont see any CCI unless its a magic trick.

I feel like there must be some secret hand shake to get going on Discharge.

I am sorry if you feel that is rude.  I feel it's just "a matter of fact" type post.  BTW I thanked him even again like a page or two later, but whos counting right? 

From there people (after I already said I didn't care what it costs, and that I only wanted to buy it online) went on to tell me I am paying too much and I could do it so much better on the phone.  Neither I asked for advice on. 

Our request was actually very simple.  Where can we buy it online, what all do we need.  If you didn't want to help that way I 100% understand that, so why post at all?  Seems so simple.
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Offline ebscreen

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2012, 04:30:22 PM »
I'm sure you're not an idiot Shelly. If I remember right you folks are in Tennessee. Which means your CCI rep should be Gary Fox 678-360-9673. He should point you in the right direction.

I just simply need a place to order it online, we don't have time to play phones. 

Is there a place we can order the stuff online, what link?  What all do we need.  The 2 discharge people I have dealt with so far are obviously too busy to deal with me so Ill just throw money at it right or wrong at this point.

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Re: Printing a 15" white circle on black shirts
« Reply #59 on: October 24, 2012, 04:31:52 PM »
At some point you must wonder why people like myself and a few others take offense to some
of your actions on here?