Author Topic: Whose Gold ink do you use???  (Read 3210 times)

Offline ZooCity

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Re: Whose Gold ink do you use???
« Reply #15 on: May 02, 2012, 11:49:03 PM »
WFX Epic Gold Shimmer

...but it's not school bus yeller more of a bronzy yellow.  We would have to add some pc bright yellow to get there or add that pigment to the silver perhaps.   

I've had just about 100% success double stroking darks with most metallics without a flash using a thick stencil on wide open mesh like a 90/71 or something of that nature and a slightly lower success rate doing it on less open meshes.  If you have a mesh that has opening naturally wide enough to pass the particles you'll get it every time but not all art can be held on such screens of course which is where a UB is sometimes needed.   It helps to color your UB similar to the top metallic color and hold the finer details and then use the same art on the top glitter screen and just see what you get to resolve.  I've used that trick a few times for heart prints involving metallics and finer details.   

eb and others, 2 ?s on using the cabo:
  • WFX has a "Particle Base" that I was hoping to pickup and use with PCs and the flakes of my choice to make all varieties of colored metallics and pearlescents, any experience there?
  • I've noted that when adding cabosil to our dark flavored bucket 'o scrap ink, which we use for printing our private label transfers and often is too runny to hold detail on the trans paper due to the use of fashion and soft hand bases in the ink scraps, that the ink gets all 'gloppy' rather then thicker.  This is really the best I can describe it, it gives the ink this really bad characteristic where it 'glops' off the ink knife rather than gaining body, which is what I want.  It does work okay in 'normal' bases but I'm scared to use it a lot after seeing this glop going on.   I do use it with reckless abandon in wb inks however with great success.