Author Topic: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens  (Read 23176 times)

Offline mooseman

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #15 on: April 18, 2012, 09:09:09 PM »
Hey Wayne,

for mesh protectors we use Gorilla Tape. the stuff is duct tape on sterroids or how ever youi spell it.
Roll out a length slice it down the middle with a razor knife and throw it on the mesh as a protector.
We cut the corners at @ a 45 degree angel to help keep the corners from coming up. We have been BETA testing this so to speak for about 3 weeks so far so good. It holds up well to reclaim with franmar chemicals, (so far) we do not use dip tanks so i can't comment on that. But this stuff sure does put a real barrier to mesh damage. Not sure how it will come off but duct tape on sterroids is  putting it mildly.
About $10.00 / roll at America's gateway to china

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #16 on: April 18, 2012, 09:21:25 PM »
coating screens is something one`s gotta keep doing
otherwise after a few months not coating the mechanical motion can become rusty
Nice technique Mike

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #17 on: April 18, 2012, 09:40:34 PM »
Hey Wayne,

for mesh protectors we use Gorilla Tape. the stuff is duct tape on sterroids or how ever youi spell it.
Roll out a length slice it down the middle with a razor knife and throw it on the mesh as a protector.
We cut the corners at @ a 45 degree angel to help keep the corners from coming up. We have been BETA testing this so to speak for about 3 weeks so far so good. It holds up well to reclaim with franmar chemicals, (so far) we do not use dip tanks so i can't comment on that. But this stuff sure does put a real barrier to mesh damage. Not sure how it will come off but duct tape on sterroids is  putting it mildly.
About $10.00 / roll at America's gateway to china

Thanks Mike.  Just so happens, with all the other tapes I have here, I actually do have a roll of Gorilla tape I got from the "subway" to China...Home Depot.  Hell, there are so many gateways to China, it looks like an exploding Super Nova sitting on top of the country.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 09:49:26 PM by screenxpress »
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #18 on: April 18, 2012, 10:29:30 PM »

for what it is worth have a look

coating screens #2 DSCF0803.AVI

Holy crap, a vid made just for my sorry a$$!   Thanks man... VERY much appreciate it.

Now, the questions:

How is that working... I feel like if I were to tip my coater over that much I'd have a HUGE mess.  As it is now I get a pretty heavy bead running where my coater stops because of it basically "coming around the side" as I coat.  That seems to defy the laws of physics... it looks like your coater is almost upside down on that mesh.

Should the coater be turned against the mesh to the point that the edge rides flat along the top (open) area of the coater?  Is that how it keeps from spilling around the edges as you go?

I'm just baffled by that... gonna watch again at full screen and look more carefully.

For the record, I've been pretty good and haven't really spilled much... those few drips when I tried the two handed way and a few spots here and there, mostly from getting the FULL emulsion gallon into the scoop coater when I first got it.  Luckily my drips were on my "test screen" anyway so it didn't much matter that I screwed it up.

I kind of feel like it's one of those things... if you aren't making a mess then you are doing it wrong... at least in the learning phase.  Because I'm not making a mess and I'm certainly not doing it right!

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2012, 10:30:54 PM »
last I tried was about a month ago and its a back killer, well for me anyway. 6 ft 240 lbs bent over like that doesn't take long for pain to set in, lol

Wow Gerry... I had the exact opposite image of you.  I thought of you as a scrawny little guy.  (not that there is anything wrong with that... I was scrawny till I got fat!  LOL )

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2012, 10:38:06 PM »
Lol that's funny cause that's how I pictured you! I guess it's the Gilligan picture I have in my head. About 13 years ago when I first met my wife I was 150 lbs soaking wet but now I get 3 hefty square meals a day and 90 lbs later... Yeah all my wife's fault!

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2012, 10:40:14 PM »

Should the coater be turned against the mesh to the point that the edge rides flat along the top (open) area of the coater?  Is that how it keeps from spilling around the edges as you go?

I'm just baffled by that... gonna watch again at full screen and look more carefully.


Watched it again and I saw that the coater had emulsion on that top perpendicular edge and that the emulsion had coated a line almost straight up the center of the sidewalls!!  So that IS the trick... no wonder the coater is designed like it is *doh*!  It's all so obvious now.

Well, I bet I can do twice as good now that I've seen how a "Pro" ;) does it!

Now, I'm geeked up to try it again!

If a picture is worth a thousand words I must owe you BIG time for that vid!

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2012, 10:42:55 PM »
Lol that's funny cause that's how I pictured you! I guess it's the Gilligan picture I have in my head. About 13 years ago when I first met my wife I was 150 lbs soaking wet but now I get 3 hefty square meals a day and 90 lbs later... Yeah all my wife's fault!

Well, I had that pic of me holding up that big ol Black Drum on the fishing thread... but that was about 30lbs ago.

I also partly blame the wife... she went to school for cooking... so she LOVES to cook (bake specifically) and LOVES the use of Butter and Cream!

Hell, she made a "cookies and cream" desert the other day and I was like... wow, this is pretty good, what is it?  She replied "cookies and cream"... yeah but what IS it... how did you make it... she said, no... I got that... COOKIES and CREAM!

LOL.. it was pretty awesome.. couldn't eat too much though, it was so damn rich!

Offline Itsa Little CrOoked

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2012, 10:51:21 PM »
I'm casting my lot with the one handed guys. I went to a workshop where the presenter showed two handed coater technique. I nearly snorted.

I know I have pretty "good hands", but even people who have average (or even less) hand skills can learn the one handed technique, but it just will take a little practice. And it should take about half the time as a two hander. (edit: half the time to coat a batch of screens, that is. It is just faster.)

I use one hand on the top of the frame, resting it on a folding multipurpose table like you might see at a church fellowship....just at a slight tilt away from the scoop coater. I move quickly, somewhat faster than Pierre's 3 seconds, 2+2 in opposite directions, finishing on the squeegee side. I get along better with the Sharp Edge, but I'd probably recommend using the round edge from what I know about EOM.

I'll echo those voices shouting "practice" out there in the wildeness. You oughta see my wife crochet or knit! It is a thing of beauty to watch practiced hands. You can get this. Do some without emulsion for practice.

And like Frog said, if I understood him correctly, you don't necessarily need to force the flats of the end caps completely into the mesh even though that seems to be a design feature. I get along better if I don't.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2012, 06:11:22 AM by Itsa Little CrOoked »

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2012, 10:55:48 PM »
THAT"S what he meant by flat spot "almost touching"... I didn't get that at all.  I was like "how is he coating if his coater isn't really touching... clearly he has something odd going on"... Like I said... I was missing the whole point of the design of the scoop coater!

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2012, 10:56:38 PM »
I'm trying to wrap my head around why 1 handed would be better? Has anyone ever done testing as far as eom is concerned? Or is that not the argument between 1 and 2 handed.

And Gilligan I love watching those cooking shows from down south when they throw 2 whole sticks of butter in a recipe! Man now I'm hungry lol.

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2012, 11:00:02 PM »
That's the wife... often I'll say "man this is GOOD... what's in it?" and she will simply say "Butter".

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2012, 11:05:39 PM »
My wife and I took a customer to tepanyaki for lunch when they cook the fried rice they add at least a whole stick, it was so delicious! The chef said it was lowfat butter from skinny cow!

Offline Gilligan

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #28 on: April 19, 2012, 12:10:13 AM »
Those Habaci guys can be pretty comical... some can just be terrible though.

Almost always tastes great though!

Offline StuJohnston

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2012, 02:17:52 AM »
I'm a one hander as well. To be honest, I am pretty sure I did it that way because I didn't know any better at the time. I have tried two handed, but it feels really akward.

What is the biggest screen ya'll have coated with one hand? I am thinking that I might have to move to two hands now that I am going to a 36"x43" frame. Maybe I could lean the screen against my waist and pull towards me with both hands? Best of both worlds?.