Author Topic: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens  (Read 23134 times)

Offline Gilligan

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I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« on: April 18, 2012, 05:45:20 PM »
And it just doesn't get any better.

Coated 10 screens last night back to back and the last one felt just as bad as the 2nd one (the first was was VERY awkward).

Trying one handed... maybe I need to get a jig and use the two hand technique.  I gave a half hearted try at two handed a while back and just managed to drip emulsion on my screen so I didn't really like that way... but maybe I need to try again.

Can't be much worse that my piss-poor attempts now!

Offline blue moon

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2012, 05:56:24 PM »
And it just doesn't get any better.

Coated 10 screens last night back to back and the last one felt just as bad as the 2nd one (the first was was VERY awkward).

Trying one handed... maybe I need to get a jig and use the two hand technique.  I gave a half hearted try at two handed a while back and just managed to drip emulsion on my screen so I didn't really like that way... but maybe I need to try again.

Can't be much worse that my piss-poor attempts now!

rest the screen against something at an angle at waist height (make sure it can not move when you push against it). Use two hands, bring the coater to the mesh level and tilt it. The side of the scoop should be resting flat against the mesh. Hold with both hands and put your fingertips on the tiny lip on what's now bottom of the coater (almost touching the mesh). Hold wide apart. Push in pretty hard and move up slowly and evenly. It should take you almost three seconds to go to the top of the big screens, probably about two or just slightly more for the 20x24's. You should be pushing hard enough that the mesh should be making crackling noises and you should be worrying about breaking it. The noises are usually coming from the side where the mesh is glued to the frame. I am almost tempted to say, push until you break one and then back off, but that would be too much.

let me know how that works out for you.


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Offline Prosperi-Tees

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2012, 06:01:55 PM »
I never could get the hang of one handed coating but I didnt try to many times. I was trained to do it two handed and im used to it now. I also got away from using the sharp edge, I pretty much coat everything 2/2 now.

Offline Chadwick

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2012, 06:02:43 PM »
Not sure if you're doing this already, but

rest the frame on top of a shirt box/milk crate with one hand, coat with the other.
The hand holding the frame is also used to flip it around.
After both sides are coated, learn to set the scoop down without any slop.
Having a higher table close by helps.
Place the frame wherever you're drying it and grab another.
If you get any slop on the edges of the coater, wipe it off, or you will have extra grief.

I angle the frame as I'm setting the coater into position against the mesh, then tilt the frame
up to it..almost vertical, I believe, then do the coat..hard to explain, but it's a fluid motion.
Gotta tip the coater to the mesh tight and quick.

You will make a mess, I'm sure we all have as we learned.
Fortunately, there are always more screens to coat, so you will get lots of practice.

Offline alan802

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2012, 06:31:59 PM »
I've done it both ways and one handed is by far easier once you get the hang of it, at least it is for me.  I learned coating two handed with it resting on a table and wall and it worked great at the time.  I coated about 20 screens with one hand the traditional way with the frame on the ground and leaning over and using one hand, I'll never go back to using a two handed coating technique.  I just have more control and have a much smoother coat by pulling up rather than pushing forward and up.  I'd recommend everyone who does it two handed to coat a full rack using the one handed technique and tell me if you don't get better at it than the two handed method.  I've got gorilla hands so that might play a roll but I doubt it.
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2012, 06:48:47 PM »
On the ground you say huh?

Doesn't wear out your back?  Just counting some shirts in a box today I had to stand up and stretch!  LOL

Offline Frog

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2012, 06:49:05 PM »
I use my light table. I put an open newspaper section where I'm working.
I cut a few cardboard "squeegees" cut to the profile of the inside of my coater. These are to help return the unused emulsion to the bucket when I'm through, but also help with drips and/or minor spills. I keep a paper towel handy as well.
I hold the frame at a slight angle, maybe 25 degrees, with the bottom against the table (not my big belly as may have been reported elsewhere.) One hand on the coater, and then it's pretty much just holding the coater level (not spilling out of one end or the other, angling it so the flat spot is touching (or in my case, almost touching) the mesh, and a steady trip up the print side of the mesh. probably take about 3-4 seconds to make the 24" trip. Flip end to end and repeat. That usually achieves the glisten state.
Rotate to the squeegee side and repeat.
However many coats on the print side it takes to get an even and glistening look on the inside, always finish with two in there.
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Offline mooseman

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2012, 07:36:51 PM »

for what it is worth have a look

coating screens #2 DSCF0803.AVI

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2012, 07:56:12 PM »
One handed for me, the closer I get to the to top of the screen the more vertical I make the screen so when I'm finished with my stroke I can shear off the emulsion without any drips. Any soft areas I card out the best I can but a good way to avoid that is not using a coater that's too wide to begin with. I find this to be the best way so your not turning your wrist with the screen keeping a constant angle and force.

I used to card on my emusion and smooth it out the best I could as they show you on speedball kits. 

I can tell you I hated the coater for awhile until I got the hang of it and spilled alot of costly emulsion!

You'll get it!
« Last Edit: April 18, 2012, 07:59:56 PM by endless ink printing »

Offline jasonl

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2012, 08:34:15 PM »
I cant even imagine doing it with 2 hands, that sounds crazy.
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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #10 on: April 18, 2012, 08:41:59 PM »
Hey, it'll get worse, sooner or later you'll dump some emulsion in your shoe.     :o

One handed was easier for me to pick up than two, and at this point I would at least double if not triple my time coating if I did it two handed...but I got 'gorilla hands' too.  (great description   ;D )
The other thing you might want to try is switching hands--I write, draw, and bat right handed, paint and coat left handed, and print ambidextrously.... go figure.

Offline Prosperi-Tees

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #11 on: April 18, 2012, 08:45:41 PM »
It just seems to me 2 handed with the screen in a fixed position would give you a more even coating. When I did 1 handed a few times the coating was so uneven. Not saying that 2 is better than 1 handed but it seems the beginner would have an easier time coating when first starting out. I guess in the end if you are satisfied with your end result screens then what's it matter.

Offline jasonl

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #12 on: April 18, 2012, 08:47:21 PM »
practice is the only answer!  I would suggest learning one handed, the emulsion rep even teaches it that way. 
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Offline Prosperi-Tees

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #13 on: April 18, 2012, 08:50:36 PM »
last I tried was about a month ago and its a back killer, well for me anyway. 6 ft 240 lbs bent over like that doesn't take long for pain to set in, lol

Offline screenxpress

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Re: I am AMAZINGLY bad at coating screens
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2012, 08:57:08 PM »

for what it is worth have a look

Nice demonstration Mike. 

I've been meaning to call you, but I'll ask here.  We have had conversations before about taping and i know how you tape the inside.  I don't know if I ever asked.  Do you tape over the locking strips when you're done for protection?  And if so, any special tape or just what you got from the dollar store?
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