It doesn't really matter that the cat isn't vector.
In fact, often it's better to get a bitmap from someone who doesn't
know how to make a vector anyway. ( I speak truth here )
Take and crop the un-needed black out of the cat.
Convert it to a greyscale bitmap at 300dpi, applying anti-aliasing.
( you could spend a few minutes retouching the bitmap if you would )
Now grab what's left, and the text, and convert that to a greyscale at 300 dpi.
Invert the bitmap.
Output through your rip.
I'm assuming you can have tones with discharge?
if not convert it to 1 bit and things get nice and'll need to tweak the image a bit more.
No one ever sends camera ready art.
It doesn't exist, unless it's from someone in the same field.
( btw, I send out camera ready art tyvm...hit print, done )
I've got as many winners from 'working graduates of design' as the joe publics.
Just gotta figure how to roll it into what you need to make it work.