"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
The Kiwo unit is so different from the I-Image I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around it. Colorprint is easy to just manually change the input to output curve. They are trying to explain it over email...which is impossible. There are two different kiwo curves, one uncalibrated, one calibrated. Not sure why you can adjust both. Attached.Here is an excerpt from the email: Input values are art to RIP. Output values are RIP to XTS. If you enter a "50%" output value for a 2% input value, you are telling the RIP that your output device (XTS) is printing a 50% dot when it should be 2%. This triggers the RIP to compensate for the dot value (50%). It basically thinks we are printing 50% when it should be 2%, so it makes the 2% dot smaller to compensate. At a jump this large, your 2% dot is going to be microscopic. Not just 2%, but everything up to 50% is going to be much much smaller.This all seems extremely backwards to what I'm used to.If I wanted 2% to output as 6% so I can actually print it on the I-image then I'd just drag the curve to output as that. I do know the I-Image we can get a 3% dot easy...but I bet you are right, it's probably outputting at 6%. I don't have a real way to measure it, but I do know that the prints look good and dots image correctly. The Kiwo is currently printing dots so small I can barely see them.
Where can I buy one of those?