I recieved our first order from them with high hopes. Unfortunately it seems they print the white base under everything. The image below, crappy but you can see what is supposed to be black shadowing showing through to the shirt. Unfortunately this $340 order is rejected. Did I miss something? I am fairly certain I went over their art specs well and do not recall any mention of transparencies. Am I correct in assuming everything is backed with white underbase? If so why did they not warn me pre flight of that issue? I will contact them and see what they recommend, not hopeful for a refund or reprint in this case.
Another issue is they require all art to be in CMYK. My problem with that is everything I do past and present is done in spot color. I keep my pantone books up to do date and completely rely on them for good color matching. When I try to switch my color space in Corel to CMYK it looks terrible. Is their a way to match CMYK values to pantone values closely? On this order I simply converted the colors from spot to cmyk letting the graphic software choose whats best and the all but one color seemed to have come out good, one is so far off its ugly.