Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Thanks! Very helpful. It's all of the little things, (walking 10 less feet 15 times a day) that we don't think about that count.
Good stuff! Thanks for sharing!
I thought is was kanban?
Thanks Terry, would love to chat. And yes I am heavily leaning on Japan and Lean. It really really screams at me like ‘this is for you’. Would love to chat a bit. Facebook maybe?Can you recommend a book or two? Besides the Toyota way. Thank you!!!
Terry, I’m sure I speak for the other two. The more education we can share that applies to efficient production the better. Book suggestions, theories, policy, procedures, and good habits, all encouraged.
2 Second Lean:https://youtu.be/zbL4LwmWAy0