Good morning to all,
After doing some research and experimenting with our GTX on some tri-blend orders, it appears that a key issue we are having is dye migration, not pretreat stain. I ran an order on Tultex 90/10 heather gray garments, and everything on size large garments had little to no dye migration, whereas the 2x had such bad dye migration I couldn't allow it to leave the shop. I tried on multiple 2x Tultex garments and got the same result each time. We switched the 2x from Tultex to Alstyle (90/10 heather gray) and got no dye migration at all on any of the garments. We used the same pretreat/drying/curing process for everything.
Anyone use the Brother GTX-4 or any other DTG machine and have a database of what tri-blends have worked with little to no dye migration? I am going to start building one out for what is working in our shop, but was curious if anyone had a starting point already. It appears the significance of the dye migration relies on the mill/dye house and their process.
Thanks in advance!