Author Topic: clippard air valve MTV-4  (Read 1132 times)

Offline Croft

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clippard air valve MTV-4
« on: March 25, 2018, 06:01:05 PM »
So I have a few leaky clipart air valves on my sports man the ones for the screen clamps. I thought this is an easy fix just replace there relatively cheap.

I've bought new ones to replace the 5 that were leaky, there are 12 on the machine.  My problem is I replaced all 5 that I marked as leaking and the new ones are leaking as well the same 5 What am I doing wrong.
  It looks like it is on the exhaust side so when the switch is in the ON position and clamps are activated they leak BUT they don't leak in the OFF position.

Ive included a pic the pen tip points to where they leak air. , hopefully someone knows the problem.  Thank

Offline Binkspot

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Re: clippard air valve MTV-4
« Reply #1 on: March 25, 2018, 07:59:10 PM »
More then likely a cylinder is bad. When on (clamped position) remove the lower hose off the screen clamp cylinder, if you have air coming out the fitting in the cylinder the piston seal is bad. They work in tandem so it might be the right or left cylinder. If air is coming out of the hose check the other cylinder.

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Re: clippard air valve MTV-4
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2018, 06:52:10 AM »
So I have a few leaky clipart air valves on my sports man the ones for the screen clamps. I thought this is an easy fix just replace there relatively cheap.

I've bought new ones to replace the 5 that were leaky, there are 12 on the machine.  My problem is I replaced all 5 that I marked as leaking and the new ones are leaking as well the same 5 What am I doing wrong.
  It looks like it is on the exhaust side so when the switch is in the ON position and clamps are activated they leak BUT they don't leak in the OFF position.

Ive included a pic the pen tip points to where they leak air. , hopefully someone knows the problem.  Thank
If the valve is activating the cylinders for the screen lock down you probably have a bad cylinder. If they are activating the clamps for the squeegee try rotating the holder to make sure the clamp is not half way on the notch. A side load on those cylinders will cause the valve to leak
Rich Hoffman

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Re: clippard air valve MTV-4
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2018, 09:50:58 AM »
It's most likely the screen clamp cylinders. Easy fix.

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Re: clippard air valve MTV-4
« Reply #4 on: March 26, 2018, 01:31:52 PM »
May not be the same. We found that the locking nut is under the rolled pin holding the toggle switch and causing the switch to misbehave.  We simply ran another jamb nut down to cover the rolled pin.