Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Int Coatings 7031 Ultra white is short bodied, soft and very opaque. We run different pressures for different things, but it will print with very low pressure 1.5-2 bar in the right scenario. It has moderate low bleed properties, I don't use it on bad 50/50 bleeders like red, maroon, sapphire but it's fine on black, navy, royal and others that don't bleed horribly. Use it a lot for sim process UB's.If you like a little puff, try Wilflex Buffalo, used that for probably 5 years, went to the IC to get away from the puff. I'd say Buffalo is about the same as the 7031 on bleed resistance.
Too much "ink tinkering" can lead to cross-contamination and before you know it you don't know whats in the bucket.