Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
There was one small section under the eye that needed a small adjustment to close a gap in the black. Other than that really easy. With long term illustrator use, it took longer to boot up illustrator than it did to fill with "other color".To add on to the steps - do everything that was posted above, but select the same black - lock it so it cant be selected - and go wild grabbing as much "other color" outside as possible.That was a pretty wild skull
Hi Andy,My first attempt using that image was in Corel and got something that worked, but Corel has a similar problem filling parts of an Vector image. In Corel its done by the Smart Fill Tool. I just got unemployed from my day IT job on 7/6. They call it retirement, lol. So I'm spending some of my time trying to pick up some new tricks with the generous help of some of the folks here. I have no request for creating this, just a personal project.Thanks all and I'm sure I may be asking some more questions. I'll try to dig out what I can first to keep the requests manageable. Google is my friend
Got another question on AILets say I have a shooting unwanted node outside a running line. Call it a "spike" node that you want to delete.Compared to Corel, if I delete the unwanted node, it simply deletes it and smooths out the line between the two remaining nearest nodes.In AI, deleting a node appears to really delete it and leaves it with a break. How can I just delete a node and have it do something similar to Corel?Or do I have to always reconnect the broken nodes?
Say you have a mostly black image with tons of nodes on a transparent background and the intention is to put that image on a black shirt. I thought I would want to somehow flatten the entire image and put a black stroke (say 4 or so pixels) around the entire image and then convert the existing black fill to transparent and let the shirt color fill in the black.I have not been able to figure out how to put a stroke around only the outside. I have not figured a way to remove all the nodes and my stroke attempt puts a stroke everywhere, outside and all over the inside.Is there a simple way to effectively convert the image to maybe a bitmap to remove all the nodes, then create a black stroke around just the outside, then change the fill from black to transparent?Thanks