Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
I have a set of these carts incoming now.http://stores.ebay.com/oauq7794?rt=nc&_from=R40&_trksid=p2056350.m570.l1313.TR10.TRC2.A0.H0.Xepson+7900+.TRS1&_nkw=epson+7900+&_sacat=0This is the best price I have seen. About to try to flush a 7900 that has been sitting for a while. Ink change/ initial fill program should hopefully push enough fluid through to clear it out clear it out.We run a 7600 currently with cheap refill carts from Hong Kong. They work great, just dont remove them. K and LK channels print film ink, the rest have DIY cleaning solution to keep things clear. Filmdirectonline.com has good, well priced dye based ink that we have been using for years.
With a RIP you can assign ink printing to the channel you want, so if you have 1 or 2 stuck channels you can print your film. For photos, if you have missing channel, you will have to clean it, sometime a simple head cleaning can solve it, or you can soak the printhead overnight with a piece of cotton cloth with cleaning solution, sometime you will need to remove and flush the head, and sometime you will have to change the head and dampers !You can found cheap ink cardridge on aliexpress, it is better to get an other set of ink chip.
Watching with interest. I'm in the same boat, just bought a replacement 4880 that hasn't seen any use for 3+ years. Fortunately it comes with a ton of new unopened inks in both 110 and 220ml. These inks are old though, between 2009-2012.What can really go wrong with unopened ink? Probably a lot, but I'll find out.
UPDATE:Got the 7900 all setup. Powered on great, gave me missing Maintenence tank warning. Had a new one and popped it in. Lo and behold there were 8 of 11 carts still full! So I need to buy three carts and then I will give them all good head cleaning, nozzle checks and all that and keep my fingers crossed that this was indeed a too good to be true deal.