"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
Ya know, one thing I forgot to mention now that we are into talking about printing on Poly. You should have your customers ask the superiors about using Polly (anything). Most or all military will not permit them to wear these (during work hours) and especially during deployment even under issued fatigues or whatever. Reason being, if ever in a fire (for any unforseen reason), that material goes up in flames like nothing flat (but then sticks to the body as it's melted plastic), therefore causing even more injury. Thus, no polyester allowed. This is even if (they buy them themselves).I had questions about that and ScreensExpress (Wayne) pointed that out. So I had them (my customers) check into it and he was right. I was working with the Marines tho. I would assume that it's the same for all but you never know. I'd ask and considering all that, I'd also talk them out of Poly.