Hey everyone!
I am putting together some new content for our new website and I wanted to pick your brains about what you would like to see on our site. Would you like to see more instructional videos? Would you like to see more information about why you should be using certain products? Would you like to know more about the products that work the best with our products? What would you like to know...
If you have a few minutes, just reply here. If you have more time, please take a minute to email
ron@shurloc.com so I can start getting what you want to know added to our site!
A few side questions...
Do you prefer to have a "PDF style" page to view information or do you prefer videos?
Would you like to contribute content for a PDF or video to help us out and would you be willing to 'review' products for us in a video or email format?
Would you watch a Livecast of our products in order to get a discount on them at the end of the show?
What local distributors do you use and do they stock our products? Have you ever asked about them stocking them?
Thanks for taking the time to help us out! As a thank you, you can use the coupon code "checkmeout15" at our online store to get 15% off any premium panel purchase through 2/14/17.
PS -If this is the wrong place to put a request like this, please move me to the right area. I had no idea where to start with this one, so I chose here.