"He who marches out of step hears another drum." ~ Ken Kesey
I see this as dangerous, especially the last part. Number one, you have no idea how to run an insurance company. Number two, neither does the government. Number three, how much someone else makes should be none of your concern. Perhaps it is too much government regulation (which of what you want more of) that drives up prices.For example. You sell shirts. Let's say you sell them for $20 each (retail) and the government stops by and says, "Hey kid, you're no longer in the shirt business, we feel you've been charging too much, so we're gonna have the government start producing shirts from now on."Or let's say you sell them for $15 each (retail) and you decide that you want to sell them for $20. The government swoops in and says NOPE, $15 is the cap because we've decided you're making too much money. But, but, but, I'm working 80 hours a week and have rent, utilities, advertising, etc you say. DOESN'T MATTER, $15 is it, we can't be having people going around making too much money.Now extrapolate that to any other business. Might seem like a silly argument, but that's how I feel when you try to argue for the government getting more involved in our lives. Silly.The only one that should determine how much you make or do not make is YOU. That's what makes this the land of opportunity.
What's really funny is all this hoopla over a guy that hasn't even been sworn in yet. At this point everything he's looking to accomplish is speculation. I think the left should give him a chance instead of riot in the streets, light crap on fire, smash windows and block traffic.
Dodd-Frank, yeah, the banks are still too big to fail and Hillary is in their pockets. Dodd-Frank has harmed small banks. That is the idea of crony capitalism, create laws that you can afford to comply with while your competition can't, therefor you effectively eliminate them.To all the liberals. Name one thing the government does better than the private sector. And you can't name something OUR government has made it illegal to do in the private sector either...like mail delivery, road construction(this is usually contracted out anyway), military, etc.
Quote from: mk162 on November 11, 2016, 02:35:46 PMWhat's really funny is all this hoopla over a guy that hasn't even been sworn in yet. At this point everything he's looking to accomplish is speculation. I think the left should give him a chance instead of riot in the streets, light crap on fire, smash windows and block traffic.He's already promising to repeal Dodd-Frank. And this isn't a "campaign promise".Who does this benefit?Well I assume congress is well rested and ready to work hard and fast since they haven't done anything in 8 years.And no, the sky does not fall over night. Nothing in politics moves quickly. But given the chance to take crap gamblesat no risk of their own you can bet banks too big to fail are chomping at the bit.
The overwhelming public response to Mr. Martin Shkreli's maneuvers would indicate that the majority of humans do not agree with you.
So if you think someone is a douche he shouldn't be able to make money? Got it.
Quote from: mk162 on November 11, 2016, 02:55:36 PMDodd-Frank, yeah, the banks are still too big to fail and Hillary is in their pockets. Dodd-Frank has harmed small banks. That is the idea of crony capitalism, create laws that you can afford to comply with while your competition can't, therefor you effectively eliminate them.To all the liberals. Name one thing the government does better than the private sector. And you can't name something OUR government has made it illegal to do in the private sector either...like mail delivery, road construction(this is usually contracted out anyway), military, etc.So repealing Dodd-Frank benefits Joe Bill the roofer whose questionable mortgage was gambled on by B of A?Isn't that how we got to that wonderful place the last time? It's weird but since the worst economy in history save thegreat depression we haven't had any more of those kinds of things happen. We should totally change that.And to answer your question, libraries. And universities. Though TU probably was a quality institution....
Quote from: bulldog on November 11, 2016, 03:13:00 PMSo if you think someone is a douche he shouldn't be able to make money? Got it.Yeah, the public was clearly upset at the fact the dude is a douche, and not that he bought the patent for and raisedthe price 10,0000x of a drug that was helping people. Nothing gets by you. I'm sure his current legal predicamentis a result of his douchieness as well. Here, I'll spell it out for you in small words. When you try and take ad-van-tage of shitty sit-uat-ionslike people's health in order to ben-e-fit your own wealth people get upset. There's a commonmorality there that you don't do crap like that. It's skeezy.
He raised it 560% or 56x. Douche move for sure. But the government you think does such a great job at everything controls the patent system that allowed him to be capable of this (legally) in the first place.Hmm...but that's none of my business.But go ahead, keep talking in your condescending tone like you think you're better.
Quote from: bulldog on November 11, 2016, 03:30:43 PMHe raised it 560% or 56x. Douche move for sure. But the government you think does such a great job at everything controls the patent system that allowed him to be capable of this (legally) in the first place.Hmm...but that's none of my business.But go ahead, keep talking in your condescending tone like you think you're better.Right, and you're of the impression that given free reign people will regulate themselves and not pull skeezy crap like that to the detriment of others?I mean hell, the drug in question was an HIV related medicine. You know, something that helps people who've contracted god's just wrath? And yeteven the religious right was calling for his scalp.I'm beginning to think you don't believe there's anything wrong with what he did, and that given a similar situation, you would do the same.You know, because you and yours come first.