Background: Full-time printer for a dozen years, my own shop for most of that. After a false start early on, I took a job at a medium-sized shop to learn what I was doing, and due to turnover, found myself the main pressman in a matter of weeks. Learned a lot fast, stayed a few years, then launched my own company. (FYI to shop owners who quiver at such things: I disclosed my intentions from the beginning, and took the job with a 2-yr post-departure non-compete agreement, which I honored. And to this day, I do not go after any of their business - I appreciate the chance they took on me!)
Current shop is a small operation - I keep most of the plates spinning (customer contact, art, printing, etc.), with a little help here & there. Nonetheless, I'm constantly looking to increase quality of work, hone my skills, tweak things to make the business more efficient.
I've been lurking the forum here more & more recently - there's a lot of really good input here! I'm looking forward to taking part.