Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Hey Dan, curious on the choice of 180/48 over 150/48. We employ both but the 180 is really there for the plastisol jobs that need better "snap off" since they run at a higher ten. I love, love, love simplifying mesh count selection, it eases so many parts of the process form pre-press to screen to production, purchasing and onward. Also, are you linearized per mesh count? i.e., the CTS has one curve for 55lpi on 180 mesh, another for 55lpi on 225? sounds ingenious or maybe problematic, I can't tell which, but it's intriguing.
This is a great thread. We do a good grip of spot/sim and have to repeat it, dead nuts on, over many runs during a season, a year or longer and they are almost all sold at retail. I have a total hard on for the concept of reducing mesh selection, I feel it can only lead to better consistency. Hard to give up the unique attributes of certain meshes though.
This is (almost) completely off topic, but what inks are you running Dan? Like specifically...(brand/series/etc)