Is good. Used a gallon the last few days and it does everything above average. It dries. Completely, and fast. That may sound ridiculous but there have been a few (about half of the ones we've tested) emulsions that we've tested the last few months since getting the Starlight that literally will not completely dry in our dark room. It's 72-80 degrees and 30-35% humidity at all times but the Kiwo Multi-Tex and even the HVP would not dry sufficiently and would require a ton of baby powder to be put on the screen to save our film. Only the Chromaline Prototype and the QXO can be shot without putting baby powder on the screen. That's not a huge time-waster but if there is an emulsion that is great in other areas and doesn't require powdering then we will certainly use it.
I just ran our first expo calculator with it and I'm very happy with it. We got 97% down to most of the 5% on the 65lpi column and that was with an overexposure at 12 seconds. I'll be able to easily get down to all of the 5%. I still need to test the durability on longer runs but this morning we did a 300 piece run and didn't have any wear at the squeegee edge.
In my opinion, if you like the Ulano Orange (which I did not like all) you will definitely like the QXO. It's also affordable, should be around $60-65/gallon but don't quote me on that. I'll revisit this thread as we continue to test, mainly the durability. Our times are a lot like the other emulsions we've tested and I like the yellow mesh, 150-225 to be around 30 seconds and white mesh is coming out easily at 13-14 seconds. As we do some longer runs I'll dial in the times more accurately. We were up to 40 seconds with the Chromaline Prototype to keep stencils from breaking down and anything over 15 seconds on white mesh was very difficult to spray out.
I didn't look to see if anyone else had started a thread about this emulsion but I will look for any additional information when I get a chance. Again, anyone on the fence on trying this emulsion, get off, it's good stuff.