Author Topic: More S Roq questions for users  (Read 5001 times)

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Re: More S Roq questions for users
« Reply #15 on: February 05, 2016, 06:57:14 AM »
We run at 25 on the flood bars but I don't know the height off the top of my head. We run all triple duro's.... 65, 70, 75's depending on what we need for a given color on that print. Pressure, angle and speed also vary depending on what we need for that print/color.

We got some 9mm rubber from about a year ago and it's worked out well for us.

Offline Ryan

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Re: More S Roq questions for users
« Reply #16 on: February 05, 2016, 08:53:28 AM »
since we are talking pressure/angles etc, and unlikely that any of the techs mention it, while the head is in the down position, if you push/hold the STOP button and then push the flood/print button, it will actually move down into the screen and will give you a view of the depth the flood/print will push into the screen. Hopefully that makes sense. It works on older machines, but I can't verify that on newer ones as they change little things all the time. I think its a great tool to help judge the depth of the flood/print without actually having to do either

Offline Shanarchy

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Re: More S Roq questions for users
« Reply #17 on: February 10, 2016, 11:57:34 AM »
I can't thank you all enough for all your help and advice. This all helped beyond belief, and saved me a lot of time and possibly popping more screens. The people on this forum never cease to amaze me!

I ordered a bunch of different triple duros from Gold Up. So I can sample the different duros, I'm guessing I'll be using the 60/90/60 for my white. Either the 65/90/65 or 70/90/70 for colors and the 75/95/75 for halftones.

I may look into a new white. I've been using the Miami superior for a while and loving it, but this last 5 gal I just popped open is climbing the squeegee horribly. Which is too bad, I really liked it and it had a great price point.

I'm sure I will have a ton more questions, but thanks for everything guys!

Offline push_pull

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Re: More S Roq questions for users
« Reply #18 on: February 13, 2016, 06:13:37 PM »
After 10 gallons of Miami superior and many different attempts at making it flow better with additives, time on mixer, etc., I just could not get it to flood properly and stay off the squeegee.  Tried out Miami after years with Triangle Phoenix (which I loved, but I got burned  on a bad batch and Triangle didn't want to stand behind their product so we switched away).  We've been trying IC Legacy now and it's much easier to use out-of-the-bucket on the auto.  Just my $.02 on whites...