Author Topic: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System  (Read 9683 times)

Offline Action1

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Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« on: June 20, 2015, 12:51:26 PM »
Ladies, gentlemen, friends of TSB - Continuing in our mission to explore strange new worlds - We are proud to present - An Off-Press Pallet Paper Changing System. Yours are the first eyes to ever see it. As always we sincerely appreciate any feedback.

Here's why you want this - pallet paper is now a standard material used by the top printing companies in the world. The benefits are numerous and easily cost justifiable. However - it takes time to put the material on and off of the pallets. If it's left on too long - many things happen. The worst is that the paper will literally fuse to the rubber. At that point - What a nightmare it is to get it off.

But – it’s most typical that the paper removal and replacement is done while the pallets are on the press. We have to have the pallet locked down to do it. Therefore, changing the pallet paper means the press isn’t – pressing. This is the single most given reason for not changing the paper as often as it should be done.

Also, putting the paper on the pallet is not the most enjoyable task. We hold the paper roll in our hands and pull it forward while it rotates on our fingers. It’s not pleasant . For these reasons – pallet paper changing is often neglected.

The PCS, Paper Changing System will allow you to easily change the paper on your pallets – Off Press. The system is designed to mount onto your existing table. Drill two holes in the table spaced at 14” apart. No additional hardware or tools are required to mount The PCS on your table. Self locking bolts and hand comfortable knobs are included for the purpose of easily mounting The PCS.

As shown in the pictures below, the paper is mounted behind the pallet. The paper mount allows 18” and 24” rolls to be quickly changed as needed. Now we can easily pull the paper forward to the front of the pallet and place. Next, we smooth with our hands and then cut the paper behind the pallet. It’s very quick, accurate, and super ergo-friendly.

To summarize why you want this:

•   It eliminates press down time – it’s easily cost justified. How much is your press downtime worth compared to the cost of this system. This product would be easily cost justified in under 6 months for most shops.
•   It makes changing the paper very easy.
•   It reduces the likelihood of paper to rubber fusion.

The PCS – Introductory Price of $595.00

Note – The PCS is presently available for use with all Workhorse & M&R® Style Pallets. Additional effort to develop this system for other machinery will be determined by requests.

Action Engineering - 770-717-1000
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 02:41:03 PM by Action1 »

Offline mimosatexas

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2015, 02:36:16 PM »
Going to be honest, making this would cost about 10 bucks with some scrap wood, a thick dowel, and a pair of quick clamps. Precision really plays no roll in this process as long as things aren't wiggling around. In fact I frequently tape off press with just the pallet sitting on a cart without issue. Could of course be a market for it, but not sure who...
« Last Edit: June 20, 2015, 02:41:23 PM by mimosatexas »

Offline Action1

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2015, 03:06:54 PM »
Going to be honest, making this would cost about 10 bucks with some scrap wood, a thick dowel, and a pair of quick clamps. Precision really plays no roll in this prices as long as thinks aren't wiggling around. In fact I frequently tape off press with just the pallet sitting on a cart without issue. Could of course be a market for it, but not sure who...

Thank you for your feedback. I agree that an alternative solution could be fashioned to work for less money.

Offline kingscreen

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2015, 03:18:32 PM »
I would actually prefer to have something like this ON-press.  Taking the pallets off the press just to mount on a table top paper changing station seems like a lot of unnecessary labor.  I'd rather just load a pallet tape roll onto a press mounted dispenser to quickly change the paper on press. 
Scott Garnett
King Screen

Offline Action1

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2015, 03:37:41 PM »
I would actually prefer to have something like this ON-press.  Taking the pallets off the press just to mount on a table top paper changing station seems like a lot of unnecessary labor.  I'd rather just load a pallet tape roll onto a press mounted dispenser to quickly change the paper on press.

Thank you for your feedback. There would be too many mounting configurations for us to have to deal with. The number of different presses would be prohibitive. I did do some work in the direction of a roll up system that had the paper on a stand with wheels. However, this approach felt like it was the wrong direction.

Kingscreen- How often do you change paper?

Offline islandtees

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #5 on: June 20, 2015, 03:41:45 PM »
I would actually prefer to have something like this ON-press.  Taking the pallets off the press just to mount on a table top paper changing station seems like a lot of unnecessary labor.  I'd rather just load a pallet tape roll onto a press mounted dispenser to quickly change the paper on press.
I agree with kingscreen, we would prefer on press. If you need the paper changed and your not removing the pallets, then you would be wasting a lot of time taking them off, changing paper and then put them back on.

Offline GaryG

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #6 on: June 20, 2015, 03:46:21 PM »
Clamp the rollers to the -arm coming from press, and you won't need wheels, a shaft, and lots more metal.
Pulling paper towards you.
Make it able to take off quickly from arm to arm.

Offline farmboygraphics

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #7 on: June 20, 2015, 04:25:55 PM »
Sorry, I feel there's a limited market for this. Make something that takes it off as quick as it goes on and now you've got something.
Tees and Coffee

Offline mooseman

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #8 on: June 20, 2015, 08:29:54 PM »
we have been using an on press paper changer for is called a Teflon sheet borrowed from my heat press.
cover about 80 % of the pallet with the Teflon sheet, start some pallet tape off the roll and stick it to the 20 % of uncovered pallet.
pull enough tape off the roll to cover the balance of the pallet and cut .
slide the Teflon sheet out from under the tape and stick down with a wall paper brush, vinyl squeegee or any straight edge.
Repeate the Teflon sheet pull  about 2 inches at a time and you are done in about one minute.
Like Farmboy said come up with a good fast way to get the tape off then you got something.

Offline Maxie

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #9 on: June 21, 2015, 12:28:32 AM »
I find it much easier to get the old tape off if I flash it and remove the tape white it's hot.
This means that we'd have to remove the pallets jest to apply new tape.
Possible a roller that clipped on the sides of the pallet would be a better idea.
Could have a adjustable width so it Could work on all pallets.
We usually have two people changing the tape, with a roller one person could do it.
Maxie Garb.
T Max Designs.
Silk Screen Printers

Offline inkbrigade

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #10 on: June 21, 2015, 04:38:05 AM »
I love that every time action introduces a new product someone has to post that they could make their own for less money.
How would you feel if you were offering screen printing services and some one said they could buy some crap from ryonet and print the shirts themselves for less money. It's true, but it's pretty lame.
I could build a car for less than I pay Honda but that's not the point.

So I think we need to lay off action. They make some great crap and take care of their customers.
I for one don't have the time or energy to build this stuff. So I'm glad the team at action is putting the thought and engineering to make products to make my business successful.
Erik deserves a million kisses from me for making winged floodbars alone!

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Wish List / Let me know if your selling any of the following:  Newman (Stretch Devices) Orange Screen Racks and Press Carts
Saturn Screen Racks / Press Cart

Offline Frog

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #11 on: June 21, 2015, 07:16:41 AM »
I love that every time action introduces a new product someone has to post that they could make their own for less money.
How would you feel if you were offering screen printing services and some one said they could buy some crap from ryonet and print the shirts themselves for less money. It's true, but it's pretty lame.
I could build a car for less than I pay Honda but that's not the point.

So I think we need to lay off action. They make some great crap and take care of their customers.
I for one don't have the time or energy to build this stuff. So I'm glad the team at action is putting the thought and engineering to make products to make my business successful.
Erik deserves a million kisses from me for making winged floodbars alone!

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Actually, I think that Erik expects just this type of feedback from the gang here and it helps to sharpen his game.
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline islandtees

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #12 on: June 21, 2015, 08:28:08 AM »
I love that every time action introduces a new product someone has to post that they could make their own for less money.
How would you feel if you were offering screen printing services and some one said they could buy some crap from ryonet and print the shirts themselves for less money. It's true, but it's pretty lame.
I could build a car for less than I pay Honda but that's not the point.

So I think we need to lay off action. They make some great crap and take care of their customers.
I for one don't have the time or energy to build this stuff. So I'm glad the team at action is putting the thought and engineering to make products to make my business successful.
Erik deserves a million kisses from me for making winged floodbars alone!

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That's part of the review. He knows people are always going to say they can make it cheaper.
Look at his roller. Everyone said they could make it cheaper and I bet he has sold tons of them.
If his skin was that thin he would not make these kind of new product posts.
His products are out there but negative reviews help him build a better product.

Offline jvanick

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #13 on: June 21, 2015, 08:55:39 AM »
There gets to a point where buying something premade for whatever the price is, is less costly than your time.

I've bought a LOT of stuff recently that I might have built/fixed/bought used/etc a few years back that now I just don't have the time to deal with, and would rather let someone else do the work.

the watercutting/cnc/plasma cutting and powder coating isn't something most of us can easily do at home or have done, and even if we could, we'd have to draw the 3d cad files to send off to someone who does that work.  (definitely not cheap for single run pieces)

*all this being said...

I like to use the roll of pallet tape as my smoother... stick an inch or so of tape on the rear of the platen, pull towards me, stick it down, cut off, push the roll of tape down on the tape I just applied, if I get wrinkles at the far back end, lift up a bit, and smooth back down.  I can do all the platens (12) on our press in generally about 5 minutes.

I'd think it would take us longer to pull the platens, put the tape on somewhere else, and put them back on...  but I could see the point of this if you had 2 sets of platens... someone could be taping the platens while you're printing on a fresh set -- we've actually talked about doing just this for a set of 'hoodie' platens.  but the $1200 or so it would cost us for a complete 2nd set of platens, plus the storage hassle is just not something I want to deal with.

Offline beanie357

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Re: Off-Press-Pallet Paper Changing System
« Reply #14 on: June 21, 2015, 09:45:26 AM »
We have lots of pallets. Many need paper changes, but they come off press too fast to get to it. Next job is waiting. I could see this as part of the meshing areas tasks. We assign as needed in time blocks. Like this week it is time for several 4 hour blocks to catch up. Doing paper off press is a good idea. But might be done with a simple one color bolted down as well, or a bracket bolted down.

Interesting gizmo which we will ponder.