Ill check out that workhorse press, it looks pretty sharp but I am having a hard time finding any info/ videos on it.
There really isint any info it there anymore because I believe it for pulled from their product line. But The OTS made it for Workhorse.... I can't load their page from my phone, but they have a unit that is the exact same as the unit Workhorse use to offer. It does have flashes.
I don't really have anything against the RapidTag, I just wish they would of been a bit more truthful about printing white on it when we bought one. If you don't plan on or need to print opaque white, the RapidTag will suit you just fine. I personally, just wish I could of done things differently.
If we are able to plan/fit our red press somehow in our floor plan, we will probably convert it to a tag press(awesome idea thanks to Binkspot) and end up putting our RapidTag up for sale here.