Author Topic: 50/50 charcoal grey shirts with unactivated D-white thinned out with water  (Read 1520 times)

Offline Screened Gear

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The client wants a monotone look but on the white side. I have done some thing like this before but I can;t remember how much I diluted the ink.

Last time I think I did 70% clear base with 30% d-white. Or maybe it was 50/50 with alot of water. I have about 250 1/1 to do with somewhat heavy coverage.

Any suggestions would help. I don't want to activate the ink.

Offline sqslabs

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I haven't used unactivated discharge for this effect before, but we do it all the time using Matsui 301M (matte white).
Squeegee Science
Fort Lauderdale, FL

Offline mimosatexas

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I've done this quite a few times.  You will need to test as it varies for every brand/style/color in my experience.  I usually end up somewhere around 90% base, 10% white, 1% activator.  Sometimes no activator, sometimes more white, sometimes straight base, etc.  It just depends.

Wash testing is crucial as well.  Some 50/50s DC REALLY well and sometimes they suck hard and it isn't obvious out of the dryer which way they're going to go.  I've gotten tonal looks on some blends with as much as 100% white and 6% activator that look like bright solid white before washing, but fade to basically nothing post wash.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 11:04:41 AM by mimosatexas »