Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
Hi Steve and welcome to the Boards..... We use Embird as well and I create most of the art in Corel and save as a cmx file. Normally we just generate the stitches automatically and let the program do it's thing with results that are acceptable by most all of our customers. Not sure what you mean by the stitching being overly complicated..... but you do have to be careful when drawing to make sure you are not laying colors over the top of each other. The program doesn't recognize just the part showing but also the part that is covered up adding extra stitches and piling up thread where it does not need to be. When things get too complicated we just send them out for digitizing.... Good Luck to ya'
I'm using Illustrator and trying to make the vectors clean, I don't think there are any embroidery specific actions I'm missing. Thanks for the reply Frog, I'll check again.