Author Topic: Static S-mesh screen acceptable tension  (Read 5410 times)

Offline ABuffington

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Re: Static S-mesh screen acceptable tension
« Reply #15 on: March 12, 2015, 01:52:09 PM »
Hello everyone,

Thanks for the great comments on 150S.  Mesh is not all the same.  Murakami uses Smartmesh which has proprietary threads and manufacturing techniques.  Retained tension of Smartmesh on statics is much better than any other mesh.  We stretch on our own proprietary stretcher that single bar stretchers cannot match, which Kevin, our distributor at River City has found out.  Not impossible, will go over it when I get back there to Austin and I'll attach a link here.  The key is the thread.  It is unique.  Just because it is white or yellow says nothing about the elongation or accumulated elongation percentage.  Two things happen to a screen.  Once tensioned it will lose 3-4 newtons, this is the first mesh adjustment to the strain.  The next is Accumulated elongation percetnage.  This is a major difference.  As the squeegee prints it warms up the mesh and allows it to stretch more.  Our screens resist this force very well.  Once the job is complete there is a another small drop in tension, but with Smartmesh you may never see much loss of tension again.  This is way it pays to buy what works, not what's the cheapest product on the market.  I have 3 year old statics with 65 line tonals that I library of our guitar design.  The print is still crisp and printable.  Like a car lot, you get what you pay for.  Some cars are high performance, others are, well,  left behind.  Been away on a long trip, great to be back.

Link to newsletter on Stretching S and LX Meshes

Alan Buffington
Murakami Screen USA  - Technical Support and Sales