Our enduser need zero formaldehyde before washing for infants. Can we use magna discharge .
Contact MagnaColours directly for sales into your region.
http://www.magnacolours.com/. Just recently released their newest MagnaMix software with formulas in High Solids, Discharge, and Soft Bases.
They have a global patent on the Non-Formaldehyde Discharge product (the base material / not the activator). You do need the correct base and activator.
MagnaPrint ULF series - Base, Blending White, Super White. Plus ECO pigments. Plus Activator M.
EDIT - Make certain you communicate with their compliance department for your specific needs. Fluorescent pigments for instance contain small amounts of formaldehyde, and may or may not meet the requirements for INFANT wear printing. Child, yes, but perhaps not infant. Whoever yo speak with, get documentation for your needs. Ultimately, it is up to you as the printer to ensure your garments and embellishments meet your customer and/or government standards and RSL's.