Ok folks, put on your thinking caps...I have been charged with creating matching graphics for an addition to a local FD's ambulance fleet...(It has to match, obviously!) After scrolling through my font list (of over 3000) I FINALLY (whew!) ID'd this font...It is called "Lattienne T (bold) " no problems, right? Welllll, I have tried EVERY work-around I can think of...up to & including exporting set type from C12 to p-shop as a p-shop file...Tried converting to curves in Corel, Even tried just printing out a hard copy, with the idea of scanning it back in at high rez...EVERY time, the "bold" vanishes, and it reverts back to a "medium" weight font...Tried going out & re-downloading font, no love! Never had this problem...(I suppose I might have a "ghost in the machine") any chance someone could set this verbiage for me in all bold caps, convert to curves, and post/send me a copy? Thanx,all!