That is a very generous gift, congrats.
I tried contacting the Wounded Warrior organization to donate our services and tried a few different locations and contacts but never got a response. I saw the commercial with them giving away screen printed shirts and other substrates and thought that we could help out by donating the printing of the goods or both the printing and product to a smaller degree. I would have really liked to have been able to print them so that they could ship the stuff here and in between jobs or before/after work knock out 1000 shirts in an hour.
I wonder how many times they get approached by printers to do their work, and how many of those offer to do it for no money or trade. I'd love to be able to donate the shirts and the printing and hopefully someone is doing that now. I bet a few of our shirt vendors would have chipped in and offered deep discounts or perhaps totally free black shirts and maybe I should ask around. Our Sanmar rep is coming by next week to cater lunch and go over new stuff so that might be a great time to ask him if that is something they'd be interested in.
Does anyone else do things like Robert and if so, how did you go about hooking up with the organization?