This post is more to break Peter's nads about their web site and promises of an update, I just hope a little bitching will get them moving on it!
BTW the odd shipping charge was tied to the spray bottles for some reason, when I ordered them verbally they did not even exist in their database and I had to pick a different brand.
Inkman 996,
I apologize for poor website ordering experience. I spoke with our customer service team and it sounds like we were able to correct the issue and get the right order into the system.
You are correct we are working on a new website and it has been an open project for some time. This is due in large part to the amount of overhaul that was required. We manage roughly 4,000 individual items on the website. The new website’s product database driven structure requires that we capture over 75 individual pieces of data for every item, more than tripling the amount of data we currently associate with our items.
This work, along with several other new features, is being done to provide the best overall search and shopping experience for you and all of our customers. Any additions to the timeline of this project are done with this goal in mind.
Again, I apologize for the poor shopping experience. If you would like to discuss the order or the new website further, please feel free to send me a private message or send me an email at