Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. - Thomas Edison
...This is the emulsion we tried last week that was actually TOO fast for our use. We expose on a Starlight LED unit, and we were getting overexposure at 12 seconds! At that point, theres not even time to pull film from the previously burned screen, so it just sat there anyway. basically, for us, it was uselessly fast....but, I would think that those exposing with other, slower light sources could see a vast improvement in screen production times with this. ...Also, these new blockouts for waterbase are the best thing EVARR. We use it on all screens, and use no frame tape. When we do a color change, we just spray with Beanie-Doo or CitraPaste, scrub and rinse with water, set to dry, and its like a freshly prepped screen again! No more press washes and rags for us!!
...not for three years or more! Screen tape is screenprinters crack, once you commit to getting the monkey off your back, you will wonder why you ever bothered (granted, weaning off is a BITCH).
Andy, this is a high solids vs. And yes I heard about the LED issue. Predictable problem (or non issue for some)