Author Topic: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!  (Read 8994 times)

Offline alan802

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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #30 on: April 07, 2014, 06:37:44 PM »
Alan how do you know they weren't adding the two presses together? 

Do you think he meant the two presses combined?  I've seen what 1900/hr looks like when watching the world record in Ft. Worth and that isn't even close.

 I have no idea if that's what they ment or not in the video.  Which is why i didn't assume one way or another.  I simply am point out that maybe it's the two presses combined.... 

I know what fast looks like remember we have a press that will run over 200dz a hour.   

That's terrific, I had forgotten that you would know exactly what fast is.  We can't even print at half that speed.  Our press will only run at 84dz a hour.  I'm almost ashamed of it actually.  It really is embarrassing. 

LOL, ya because I suggested we run our press that fast or that mattered who's was faster.  I didn't.  I suggested just like you that you have seen what fast looks like. That's all.

I'll be sure and ask for your opinion next time I have an assumption and we all know you'll feel free to patronize those of us that you want.  I only take seriously those who would actually do it if I were in the same room.  But do it to your heart's content if it makes you feel good.

Wow this really went far from just a simple question.  If you assumed the poster was talking about 1 press, then you have proven them wrong!  No debate about it.  I asked you a very simple question. Sorry if I found it silly to assume what the person posting the video meant since clearly the were videoing more than one press in the video.  To me that could easily mean they were adding them together.  Have you done the addition to see if that was 1700pcs a hour? 

As far as doing anything different here as I would if someone were in the same room?  I mean seriously let's think about this.  You and I watch this youtube video together in the same room.  You note the press first in the video isn't running 1700pcs per hour, I agree because its not.  I ask you do you think they were counting both presses?  If I have this right you think I wouldn't say that to you in person? 

Screw Darryl's feelings :)

If anyone really thinks the guy meant 1700/hr with two presses how about I have Tommy Boy come to your shop and hit you over the head with a tack know the rest of the quote. 

This did go far from just a simple question like you stated but for me it has way more to do with comments in threads past and little things said in threads having nothing to do with arguments in the past.  I should be bigger and ignore those things that I know were said in a thread meant as a thinly veiled swipe towards me and said only half-jokingly at the time.  But it's meant as a complete joke if called out on it and not a joke at all to those who agree with you or find it clever.  It's a creative way to take a little shot at someone without them being able to really know for sure if it was meant for them because you can always backtrack and say that the person is being way too sensitive and the comment was in no way meant as it was received. 

I also feel (and I'm sure you'll correct me again if I'm way off base) that if the press in that video was an MHM or a Pretendtex that the question that set me off would have never been asked.

My comment about being in the same room didn't have anything to do with posing a question like you did in that scenario you laid out.  I just think that people on forums, especially our great place here, should act in a manner and say things only if they would do it exactly as if that person was in the same room with them.  It's human nature to say things and act way bigger than one is when your interaction is through a computer screen and I try to act and say things as if that barrier wasn't there.  I could still do a better job of that, and I could also let things roll off my back a little better but it's a buildup of lots of little things that can set me off and that's what happened with that one simple question. 
I apologize to those who hate when things get tense in here.  This is the best place for screen printers and I have been a part of that getting messed up in the past.  I do try my best to never start anything and like I said earlier I try my best to act in a way that represents a person to person setting but sometimes I let not-so-innocent comments get to me more than they should.     
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Oh man, I guess I'm lucky I didn't post the video of me printing 1,500 shirts solo with my Xpress Screen system back in the day;D

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #32 on: April 07, 2014, 08:20:58 PM »
Alan how do you know they weren't adding the two presses together? 

Do you think he meant the two presses combined?  I've seen what 1900/hr looks like when watching the world record in Ft. Worth and that isn't even close.

 I have no idea if that's what they ment or not in the video.  Which is why i didn't assume one way or another.  I simply am point out that maybe it's the two presses combined.... 

I know what fast looks like remember we have a press that will run over 200dz a hour.   

That's terrific, I had forgotten that you would know exactly what fast is.  We can't even print at half that speed.  Our press will only run at 84dz a hour.  I'm almost ashamed of it actually.  It really is embarrassing. 

LOL, ya because I suggested we run our press that fast or that mattered who's was faster.  I didn't.  I suggested just like you that you have seen what fast looks like. That's all.

I'll be sure and ask for your opinion next time I have an assumption and we all know you'll feel free to patronize those of us that you want.  I only take seriously those who would actually do it if I were in the same room.  But do it to your heart's content if it makes you feel good.

Wow this really went far from just a simple question.  If you assumed the poster was talking about 1 press, then you have proven them wrong!  No debate about it.  I asked you a very simple question. Sorry if I found it silly to assume what the person posting the video meant since clearly the were videoing more than one press in the video.  To me that could easily mean they were adding them together.  Have you done the addition to see if that was 1700pcs a hour? 

As far as doing anything different here as I would if someone were in the same room?  I mean seriously let's think about this.  You and I watch this youtube video together in the same room.  You note the press first in the video isn't running 1700pcs per hour, I agree because its not.  I ask you do you think they were counting both presses?  If I have this right you think I wouldn't say that to you in person? 

Screw Darryl's feelings :)

If anyone really thinks the guy meant 1700/hr with two presses how about I have Tommy Boy come to your shop and hit you over the head with a tack know the rest of the quote. 

This did go far from just a simple question like you stated but for me it has way more to do with comments in threads past and little things said in threads having nothing to do with arguments in the past.  I should be bigger and ignore those things that I know were said in a thread meant as a thinly veiled swipe towards me and said only half-jokingly at the time.  But it's meant as a complete joke if called out on it and not a joke at all to those who agree with you or find it clever.  It's a creative way to take a little shot at someone without them being able to really know for sure if it was meant for them because you can always backtrack and say that the person is being way too sensitive and the comment was in no way meant as it was received. 

I don't think anything about what he meant which is why I asked maybe it was the total output since it was clear the one wasn't running that speed.  Have you totaled the presses in the video?  Just curious because I got a wild guess that it won't be far from 1700 which is why I asked the question.  Not any other reason.  There haven't been many posts here I've ever considered arguments.  I've always looked at them as discussions and thank god we all don't agree because screen printing sure would be a lot easier if there was 1 way to do it. Could it be some percentages of shots you think are being taken at you are not really directed at you or that you are reading into them?  Or do you feel that's not possible?  Btw nothing to read into there it's a question. 

I also feel (and I'm sure you'll correct me again if I'm way off base) that if the press in that video was an MHM or a Pretendtex that the question that set me off would have never been asked.

I've barely ever talk about a MHM other than to say Hirsch sucks.  I've got zero problems with MHM and I don't know any unhappy users of MHM.  Playtex I'm sure I would make fun of as it's fun. If a question sets you off not sure why brand would matter, my question or posts here in this thread have had zero to do with brand. 

My comment about being in the same room didn't have anything to do with posing a question like you did in that scenario you laid out.  I just think that people on forums, especially our great place here, should act in a manner and say things only if they would do it exactly as if that person was in the same room with them.  It's human nature to say things and act way bigger than one is when your interaction is through a computer screen and I try to act and say things as if that barrier wasn't there.  I could still do a better job of that, and I could also let things roll off my back a little better but it's a buildup of lots of little things that can set me off and that's what happened with that one simple question. 
I apologize to those who hate when things get tense in here.  This is the best place for screen printers and I have been a part of that getting messed up in the past.  I do try my best to never start anything and like I said earlier I try my best to act in a way that represents a person to person setting but sometimes I let not-so-innocent comments get to me more than they should.     

I would say anything I've said here in person if the conversation was happening in the same context. Thing is there would be body language, tone and so on to read while in person instead of just reading the words as someone wants them to read on a screen.

Alan if you've thought I was taking a shot at you with my original question in this thread...I wasn't. That's just the truth. I apologize if you took it that way. 

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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #33 on: April 07, 2014, 10:37:14 PM »
Me ticked off >:( heck yeah I had just got done pulling 600 shirts today and you guys up here talking bout knocking out 1700 in an hour, my azz was tired, but then again I only have a 8/7 all air machine and don't one of you tell me to get a bigger press, I can just barely move around the shop now with the one I have...screw all you big time shirt PIMPS!!!! ;) ;D

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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #34 on: April 07, 2014, 11:23:02 PM »
Hhahahahahahahahahahhhahahahaha , your awesome Darryl!
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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #35 on: April 08, 2014, 09:26:43 AM »
Darryl is one of my faves here... Darryl old buddy, been there, I know exactly how you feel. Look at the bright side, you have an auto. In my earliest days, we printed everything on a manual, 4 color Vastex. We would print 300 per hour with 3 guys on press, a loader, and unloader/spinner, and the printer. Then we picked up an Advance Cameo 18, converted it for t-shirt printing and took off from there. Took bigger jobs, bought our first auto, a Precision Starter Oval, a 4 color press. And on it goes... you have a better press than we did, maybe it's time for more people to do the work while you direct...

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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #36 on: April 08, 2014, 12:56:54 PM »
Steve that's the reason we bought the auto in the first place people say they want to work, but tend to shy away from the psychical work crazy  ???...  Back in the day the old lady and me printed over 3000 shirts in one week on a four color hopkins press, so I know all about that LOL.

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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #37 on: April 08, 2014, 01:21:29 PM »
First one was running at 1440 (120dz/hr), second one you can see the control panel at one point and it was at 900/hr (75dz/hr).

I'm 6'4" and have no problem reaching the end of a 22" pallet. Those pallets are longer and those ladies are tiny, so props to them for getting sh!t done.

Offline alan802

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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #38 on: April 08, 2014, 01:49:27 PM »
I've always wondered about the accuracy of the production counters on most autos.  I've only been able to check one and it was our old centurian and it was not at all accurate. I'm sure the newer machines are accurate but you never know.
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Offline 3Deep

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Re: People not paying attention when throwing shirts on the belt"""!!!
« Reply #39 on: April 08, 2014, 10:17:43 PM »
Alan I'm with you on this I timed our press and it was off, can't remember by how much but alot of things i guess could play into that.

Life is like Kool-Aid, gotta add sugar/hardwork to make it sweet!!