Author Topic: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!  (Read 16843 times)

Offline mk162

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #60 on: April 24, 2014, 10:13:44 PM »
I've found it to be good.  Not great, but good.  I felt like I could get it to print better than it did.  For us, xtreme white has proved to be the best.

Sonny is coming in to test a few things out here.  I'll give most whites another shot after that.

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #61 on: April 25, 2014, 11:01:44 AM »
Brought in a gallon of the Legacy to mess with after watching this thread. Will report back after testing...
Wishin' I was Fishin'

Offline scott316

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #62 on: April 25, 2014, 12:37:30 PM »
I'm sold.  I have to admit I was a bit skeptical because I've used Wilflex epic white for about 2 years.   I've got approximately 3 gallons of wilflex epic left and I'll be purchasing 5 gallons of the legacy.  It's smooth, floods great, flashes 2 seconds faster on a cold pallet and it's extremely opaque.  I also noticed that it has great fiber matte down characteristics as well.

I dont want to bash the ink but I would gladly send you my five that ran a small order for that 3 gallons of Quick. My 5 of Legacy is a 60 pound paperweight. It might be a good white for a manual printer but it cant hold a candle in the wind to QW on a decent sized run on an auto. It is a get what you pay for white at best. Its bleed resistance is not all that great either.

I am sorry you feel that way about it. There is no reason to just have that white sit there. How much do you have left? I will help you out and buy it off you at a good price.
Scott Thompson

Offline DannyGruninger

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #63 on: April 26, 2014, 01:22:47 AM »
So I've now run around 8000 prints using this legacy white and still not getting results Im thrilled with. I have gone through a few different gallons from different suppliers/lots and they all act the same. I do like the way it looks once printed but my big deal is the speed in which I have to print it. I can't get it to flood across the screen without it sticking to the floodbar or pushing way out the sides with non winged bars and honestly just can't print anywhere near the speed I can with our other whites. It might not be an issue for some but being a decent amount of my work is contract printing running 45 doz vs 75 is a big difference for me. With a few mods the ink works really nice but out of the bucket(after stirring very well) it doesn't hold up to other whites we use. Like you guys said all shops are different but this ink just prints too slow for lots of our jobs from what I've experienced and can't get it to roll on the flood no matter what unless I mod the ink. Anyone else experience this? Curious to know.
Danny Gruninger
Denver Print House / Lakewood Colorado

Offline mimosatexas

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #64 on: April 26, 2014, 01:43:19 AM »
Would you mind sharing what white(s) are your standards?  Your prints are always impressive and I know I can't be the only one curious about your ink choices.

I agree it is not the best white out there, but it is creamy, opaque, and has a nice look after cure, and the price is pretty decent.  Not to derail, but I am finishing up a run where I was testing a new white I got this morning (Excalibur TKO) and it sucks hard, but it's always kind of fun (in a way) seeing just how completely different some whites print.

Offline dirkdiggler

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #65 on: April 26, 2014, 07:23:32 AM »
It pushes way out the sides for me too, that's the only downfall for us so far, even with a winged flood bar.  However I have been printing it at 73 dozen hr. on the CH3D without any modifications.
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Offline jvanick

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #66 on: April 26, 2014, 08:03:34 AM »
I tried it out on a short run last night after running a job with Xenon White (based down with 5% xenbase)...

I don't have those cool monitors for how fast the squeegees run, but on the chopper head, with a double-bevel squeegee, I was running fast.

Granted I didn't spend a lot of time dialing it in as it was a 24 piece job, but here's my observations:

- it flashes fast (at least as fast as wilflex quick white, possibly faster)
- it's after-flash tack was excellent.
- it cleared the screen (156 mesh) nicely
- Opacity seemed good.. but definitely not a 1-hit-white candidate

- definitely doesn't roll like the quick white or xenon white, in fact, I was even getting some squeegee climb... again, not a long run so I'm not sure if I would have worked it more if it would have gotten better.
- fibralation was a bit of an issue on the purple gildan ultra shirts I ran with it.

I have another job coming up at the end of next week that I'll give it another shot on... It's certainly not a 'change my white instantly to this new one' white ink.

Offline screenprintguy

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #67 on: April 26, 2014, 01:08:57 PM »
It pushes way out the sides for me too, that's the only downfall for us so far, even with a winged flood bar.  However I have been printing it at 73 dozen hr. on the CH3D without any modifications.

I wonder if that difference in prodution speed is difference in performance. For us on our press, 40 doz is about where we are. My nazdar rep told me that wilflex echo white is very popular in south American big box contract print shops gor its ability to tun smooth at high speeds. Hsve you heard or tried that one. I hope to be up to y'alls speed soon  :o
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline dirkdiggler

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #68 on: April 26, 2014, 01:22:57 PM »
I think I have a sample of echo sitting somewhere, but right now we are sticking with Legacy until the next Great Thread that says "AWESOME" in the title appears. ;)
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Offline scott316

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #69 on: April 26, 2014, 01:39:36 PM »
It pushes way out the sides for me too, that's the only downfall for us so far, even with a winged flood bar.  However I have been printing it at 73 dozen hr. on the CH3D without any modifications.

I wonder if that difference in prodution speed is difference in performance. For us on our press, 40 doz is about where we are. My nazdar rep told me that wilflex echo white is very popular in south American big box contract print shops gor its ability to tun smooth at high speeds. Hsve you heard or tried that one. I hope to be up to y'alls speed soon  :o

You  can add some low build additive to it that should fix that problem.
Scott Thompson

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #70 on: April 26, 2014, 01:41:26 PM »
I think I have a sample of echo sitting somewhere, but right now we are sticking with Legacy until the next Great Thread that says "AWESOME" in the title appears. ;)

You are the man. It was some good laughs last time we talked. 10.25% and not a penny more lol
Scott Thompson

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #71 on: April 26, 2014, 02:34:28 PM »
I think I have a sample of echo sitting somewhere, but right now we are sticking with Legacy until the next Great Thread that says "AWESOME" in the title appears. ;)

Agreed. We don't have that nasa sound barrier breaking speed issue, lol, we love this Lagacy. I figured I'd drop the echo idea for Danny since he's not seeing what he wants in speed. I know speed has it's place, but for me final print quality Is most important. Since Danny's prints are so nice, and he likes the final look of the print, it might be one of those sacrifices.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2014, 04:24:30 PM by screenprintguy »
Evolutionary Screen Printing & Embroidery
3521 Waterfield Parkway Lakeland, Fl. 33803

Offline Underbase37

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #72 on: April 26, 2014, 07:12:01 PM »
So I've now run around 8000 prints using this legacy white and still not getting results Im thrilled with. I have gone through a few different gallons from different suppliers/lots and they all act the same. I do like the way it looks once printed but my big deal is the speed in which I have to print it. I can't get it to flood across the screen without it sticking to the floodbar or pushing way out the sides with non winged bars and honestly just can't print anywhere near the speed I can with our other whites. It might not be an issue for some but being a decent amount of my work is contract printing running 45 doz vs 75 is a big difference for me. With a few mods the ink works really nice but out of the bucket(after stirring very well) it doesn't hold up to other whites we use. Like you guys said all shops are different but this ink just prints too slow for lots of our jobs from what I've experienced and can't get it to roll on the flood no matter what unless I mod the ink. Anyone else experience this? Curious to know.

We have had similar results with this ink. While I do like the ink it does like to climb the squeegee & floodbar, also pushing off to the side quickly needing wings & a lot of ink in the screen, or some mods to keep a good well. It does seem to flash quick & have decent fiber matte-down. But we do need to slow the press down for the proper squeegee sheer so depending on how big the image is a quick flash my not matter if I need to print slower. As for its one-hit properties it is a good thick ink & lays on top of the fabric good, but I don't think it has any puff additives in it which has helped us with a one-hit white on other inks. On the flip side the lack of puff makes for a better top coat white being able to hold the fine & supper tinny text, like those fun little ® on the trap screen. The 1gal. sample bucket we used did seem to be a bit thicker than the 5gal. but seems to print all the same so that might just be me. All & all a pretty awesome ink depending on what you want you're white ink to do. Still doing testing with it & some others though.


Offline dirkdiggler

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #73 on: April 26, 2014, 07:23:43 PM »
I think I have a sample of echo sitting somewhere, but right now we are sticking with Legacy until the next Great Thread that says "AWESOME" in the title appears. ;)

You are the man. It was some good laughs last time we talked. 10.25% and not a penny more lol

10.25%  that's an original idea!
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Offline scott316

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Re: IC Legacy white, totally awesome!!!
« Reply #74 on: May 16, 2014, 09:47:13 AM »
So any more updates on the white.
Scott Thompson