For the Illy CS6 users; when I save a file as a pdf, with the exact same pdf options and settings as I used in CS5, the colors display incorrectly. So I created a test image, a 3 color, black and yellow on a medium gray background, and saved it as a .pdf with the default settings (as I have forever). When I look at it in the finder, it previews with the yellow as black; the black and gray are fine. If I open it with Preview, the Mac pdf viewer, it displays incorrectly as well, with the yellow showing as black. If I open it with Adobe Reader, it displays correctly. So why is this a problem? When I attach it to an email, it displays incorrectly and the customer calls and says "What the heck?" Then I have to say, "open it with Reader", but I'd rather it displayed correctly in the email. Any thoughts? And of course, thanks in advance.
and, this behavior is erratic...