Author Topic: Green Galaxy...  (Read 23685 times)

Offline dirkdiggler

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Green Galaxy...
« on: November 29, 2013, 05:54:09 PM »
Anyone tried the Meteor or the Comet?  Video looks promising and the price is right?
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Offline Gilligan

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #1 on: November 29, 2013, 07:35:45 PM »
Used a sample of it at ISS... pretty awesome.

Still waiting on our sample though.  :-\

Offline Rockers

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #2 on: November 29, 2013, 08:32:26 PM »
Awesome, I was just about to post the same question.
Has anyone been in contact with them in Canada? That`s where they are based. Apparently they are doing as well discharge inks. Ryonet stocks the white plastisol and waterbased inks as far as I have seen.

Offline Colin

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #3 on: November 29, 2013, 10:22:38 PM »
Just got a gallon of it this week.  Stirred it up and it feels reallllly low visc and has little to no drag.   No time yet to put it on press.  We should be doing that next week, both auto and manual.

 Looks like it could be awesome on a manual, but I am betting on it not having enough body to print well on the auto.  Also, it looks like it may not stack - print/flash/print cleanly - like it may roll the edges and fill in fine detail.  But, I could also eat my words next week :)

Any one have hands on experience with it yet?

Oh and Rockers, I was told that it ships in from Italy, not Canada.
Been in the industry since 1996.  5+ years with QCM Inks.  Been a part of shops of all sizes and abilities both as a printer and as an Artist/separator.  I am now the Ink and Chemical Product Manager at Ryonet.

Offline Rockers

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #4 on: November 29, 2013, 10:36:13 PM »
Just got a gallon of it this week.  Stirred it up and it feels reallllly low visc and has little to no drag.   No time yet to put it on press.  We should be doing that next week, both auto and manual.

 Looks like it could be awesome on a manual, but I am betting on it not having enough body to print well on the auto.  Also, it looks like it may not stack - print/flash/print cleanly - like it may roll the edges and fill in fine detail.  But, I could also eat my words next week :)

Any one have hands on experience with it yet?

Oh and Rockers, I was told that it ships in from Italy, not Canada.

I might be wrong but I took my info from their website.
Well of course it does not say where it ships from;) As a matter of fact their website does not say much at all about their products, which really is a shame.

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #5 on: November 29, 2013, 11:39:25 PM »
We have been using their ink for a while, REAL nice stuff. Kinda a different animal than your standard Union or whatever. Nice and creamy.
There was talk of it becoming readily available here in the states this coming year but I'm not 100% sure where that stands currently.

All in all, two thumbs up.

Hopefully I'll never have to grow up and get a real job...

Offline Colin

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #6 on: November 30, 2013, 12:32:40 AM »
I had word from Nick at Ryonet that they have placed a very large order and it will be in their hands shortly, if not already.

I have a few jobs I can try it on next week, I will try and remember to post my results.
Been in the industry since 1996.  5+ years with QCM Inks.  Been a part of shops of all sizes and abilities both as a printer and as an Artist/separator.  I am now the Ink and Chemical Product Manager at Ryonet.

Offline Frog

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #7 on: November 30, 2013, 10:29:14 AM »
They have just signed up so expect some info straight from the horse's mouth, as it were.
(and yes, the IP is in Canada)
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 11:42:01 AM by Frog »
That rug really tied the room together, did it not?

Offline royster13

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #8 on: November 30, 2013, 10:48:51 AM »

Offline GreenGalaxy

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #9 on: November 30, 2013, 10:54:58 AM »
Hi to all following this discussion.  Yes Green Galaxy is a Canadian company! :-)  Up until recently most of our inks were manufactured in Canada.  We are now making the inks in Italy, so you are both right. :-)  Ryonet will be selling our inks in the USA I saw mention of Nick Wood, He is a great guy.  We are going to start with White inks and grow the line from there.  The goal of our company is to release great products that are user and environmentally friendly, that ultimately make printers more profits.  The white inks are 3 roll milled and the small particle size allows you to print through finer mesh and have great coverage.  The water base has incredible open time and is supper soft but can be used print flash print then it bonds to itself for some stretch.  We will be releasing more products and updating our website throughout the year.  Thanks for the interest and I hope you love the products!       

Offline starchild

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #10 on: November 30, 2013, 12:18:45 PM »
Hi Green Galaxy.. On your website there's a 2010 write up about your water base inks goal is to overcome a list of short comings inherent in printjng with wb inks. One of them- I think more important, is the the high dwell time to cure.. Now on Ryonet it states that 90 seconds on a higher setting is doable but 120 seconds is preferable..

Could you clarify? And is this based on convection heat or electric? Because you mainly hear the struggle with curing coming from printers with electric ovens.

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« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 03:44:19 PM by starchild »

Offline GreenGalaxy

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #11 on: November 30, 2013, 04:28:49 PM »
Curing water base is a time temperature relationship.  3 min at 300 degrees F or with a higher temp you can reduce the time.  You should always test to ensure a proper curing is taking place.  We have a catalyst that can be added to the ink to create a plastisol like cure.  Forced air dryer is suggested.  However you could test to see how it works in your environment with your equipment.  Wash testing should be done after 48 hours of print test.  This catalyst is one of the upcoming products we will release. 

Offline inkman996

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #12 on: November 30, 2013, 05:01:48 PM »
Hi to all following this discussion.  Yes Green Galaxy is a Canadian company! :-)  Up until recently most of our inks were manufactured in Canada.  We are now making the inks in Italy, so you are both right. :-)  Ryonet will be selling our inks in the USA I saw mention of Nick Wood, He is a great guy.  We are going to start with White inks and grow the line from there.  The goal of our company is to release great products that are user and environmentally friendly, that ultimately make printers more profits.  The white inks are 3 roll milled and the small particle size allows you to print through finer mesh and have great coverage.  The water base has incredible open time and is supper soft but can be used print flash print then it bonds to itself for some stretch.  We will be releasing more products and updating our website throughout the year.  Thanks for the interest and I hope you love the products!       

Any relationship to Manoukian?
"No man is an island"

Offline GreenGalaxy

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2013, 05:06:32 PM »
No relationship with them.

Offline pwalsh

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Re: Green Galaxy...
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2013, 05:16:30 PM »
Curing water base is a time temperature relationship.  3 min at 300 degrees F or with a higher temp you can reduce the time.  You should always test to ensure a proper curing is taking place.  We have a catalyst that can be added to the ink to create a plastisol like cure.  Forced air dryer is suggested.  However you could test to see how it works in your environment with your equipment.  Wash testing should be done after 48 hours of print test.  This catalyst is one of the upcoming products we will release.

In support of what Green Galaxy posted regarding required oven retention time to achieve a full cure on water-based textile screen-printing inks.  The attached example assumes the following constant factors:  A standard tee-shirt requires a minimum of 20” of linear space, two shirts are loaded across the belt, and the oven chamber length is 12.0’.  The only variables are a dwell time of 120 seconds (2 minutes), versus 180 seconds (3 minutes) resulting in a 144 shirts per hour production speed differential.

When it comes to curing water-based inks without addition of a catalyst there are three important factors that need to be covered; (1) Evacuate the moisture from the garment, (2) Evacuate the moisture from the ink, and getting the entire thickness of the ink film to the temperature required to cross link it, to achieve a full cure.  What the numbers in the example suggest is that running the dryer at the highest temperature possible without damaging the garment, or adding a catalyst that will promote a chemical cross linking of the ink film to achieve a full “post-cure” are both good strategies for the production orientated print-shop.   
Peter G. Walsh - Executive Vice President
The M&R Companies - Roselle, IL USA
Office 847-410-3445 / Cell 913-579-6662