Thanks for the kind words!
Brad , it was a pleasure. You work hard, smart, are willing to learn, and have a great sense
of humor (Thanks to Brads Dad).
Brian from RPM is a great guy! He really wants to help his customers, and has a very good
nature. He knows his stuff. RPM know doubt builds a great machine, with lots of happy customers.
Gilligan! Sometimes I get Lucky, what can I say...
Dan ! I look foward to hooking up with you. Sorry I dont communicate on the boards,like
maybe I should, However I will always try to help/confuse anyone who needs it! Alot of great
info is passed around these boards, and it really helps the industry. Keep it up! I do prefer to
work behind the scenes,and hopefully just get the job done. Like my PR spokesman(Sonny)
says, just give me a call.
Ol Man ! Thanks whom ever you are. Old Guys Still Rule!!!
Brian! I too have enjoyed our conversations. However it is I that learns the most.
Happy Printing,