Well..I got it working better, although I changed the method.
( I wish editing actions could be done smoother )
I decided to do the CMYK conversion in the working file after basic RGB calcs,
for simplicities sake, then convert the image back to rgb, delete the converted art,
and copy the original art back into the file from the secondary file.
Things still weren't lining up.
Then I realised something.
My action requires a transparent background image to be used, for obvious reasons.
After making a background knockout channel, I flattened the images.
No more offset during copy between files.
Seems I had run into this before but forgot about it. ( duh )
So..so far so good.
I get a temp underbase, and a temp black from grayscale,
a red, yellow, and two blues from the calcs I know,
Y, M, C, K,
and 3 shirt base colors in about 5 seconds. Whoo!
Pretty much everything a guy needs ( or might need ) to speed up the monkey work.
Nothing is adjusted, but that's the way I like it.
Only weak spot atm, is the actions save both files to the desktop,
( not sure if this will work on another computer/os properly yet )
and I wind up with an extra copy of the original file that needs to be
deleted, but I guess a backup doesn't hurt.