Author Topic: Looking to downsize our manual..Any Kruzer updates?  (Read 4035 times)

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Re: Looking to downsize our manual..Any Kruzer updates?
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2017, 07:33:41 AM »
I own a Kruzer . an adequate  machine at good price point. We also invested in the m&r tri loc system. Great system as well. With tri lock we print very small tick marks on the positives to line up the film on the light table. The tick marks are so small they don't wash out on the screen so no tick marks to tape off. After setting the screens you ready to go if it is loose register. BUT I do have a complaint on the micro registration. It's a pia to make micro moves on the kuzer because if you move left to right the up and down will move on you. I noticed on other machine there are spring that keep tension on the screen head to aliviate this issue. Work around I found when you want to make a micro move you should lean into the screen befor you unlock the adjusters. This will put consantant pressure on the screen so if you move left to right the up and down won't move. I'm going to ISS show and will bring this up to the guy demoing the machine. Anyone else feedback on this would be great.
I will be at the show as well. Look me up and I will take you through the Kruzer micro. Sounds like there is a minor adjustment you need to make. My name is Rich Hoffman
Rich Hoffman

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Re: Looking to downsize our manual..Any Kruzer updates?
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2017, 08:51:44 AM »
not sure if you are aware that you as the original owner of an Anatol manual press you can trade in your press towards one of our automatics for the same amount you paid for it within one year. Just a FYI - we'll be at the ISS show as well (booth 1339) - ask for Adam,
Michael Jirasek
Independent Consultant