Until recently, my low bleed white was from International Coatings, who does offer a low bleed reducer. Ironically, the ink I used was specifically low viscosity, and I never needed the reducer. Now, that ink is discontinued, and the ink that I have been using, from Xenon, is quite thick, and though prints nicely, crawls up the squeegee, (as has been discussed here before) Another frustration is that the local IC supplier does not carry the low bleed reducer, and Xenon could not verify if their's is indeed, low bleed. Still waitin' on Sonny.
Knowing of the availability of low bleed reducers forces me to consider their value, and inspired this post.
While I agree that 2% addition is minimal, some shirts over the last few years have a real bleeding issue, and I like to cover my bases, and have an edge on Mr. Murphy whenever possible.