Why do they punish a large revenue shop with more to pay for dues. Why would their fees be tied to my revenue? They have set themselves up like all other government and various organizations as far as fees (or fines) - the more you make, the more you pay. We big printers will and should need less from SGIA as the smaller shops. We, by now, should have already covered all that stuff or suffer the consequences of OSHA and the like. Don't punish the small guy either. One fee to join, other fees for stuff you need as you need it. I don't want it to be free - everyone needs to make a living. If they re-think how they charge, they just might make more money in the buffet style fee schedule. They may even double their membership and sell more of the relevant "packages". Just like joining a gym, the dues are the same for everyone but the tennis lesson will cost you extra.
I like SGIA but will not join for this reason.