Looking for input for what people think a good deal for both parties involved would be. I know used stuff is only worth what a buyer is willing to pay etc. Just looking for some opinions here. I would bundle the whole thing together to clear some room.
-anatol Horizon Mini all air, 6/8. 9' diameter 110V. Press went over by a anatol tech 2 years ago and "upgraded" a few things. Would also come with 1 oversized platen, full set of sleeve platens +3, 10 sets of squeegees and flood bars, 30 or so statics, 5 MZX's. It also comes with the Q-Runner flash(flashback knock off). Extra proximity sensors, and extra pneumatic cylinders.
- A NeoFlex with white DTG printer. With the RIP
- ViperOne Pre-treat machine
- A no name Chinese DTG machine that will not print white, uses the same brand RIP the NeoFlex uses. It "can" work, but takes some learning.
-HiX HT400 16"x16" digital heat transfer press.
What do you guys think a "package" like this could sell for that would be a good deal for both parties? $20K?