I can tell you from using the Epson based I-Image for 2 years, there is really no way I would go back to film at all. This first unit gave me 2 years of screen production. It has had a few quirks, but that was my unit, and like anything out there, mine could have been a little more quirky than others. There are manufacturers that are still using the Epson printer, but M&R decided to move away from that and develop a machine from the ground up with an industrial print head that they have full control over, no work arounds. Faster, and higher quality, it was time for us to upgrade and M&R really took care of us to get us in the transitioning. Even with some of the quirks our original unit had, we were still able to image screens at the end of the day. I look at it like this, had my first option only been to have gone into the ST model. I may have not done that since the price tag was higher than the original I-Image. Now having the experience of efficiency and precision with CTS over film, we can justify the upgrade. Over these past 2 years, I have networked with several shops using CTS, and a high percentage of them are using other brands. The lack of after purchase support that some of these guys have told me about really was scary. We I finally made contact about the upgrade we needed to make, it was a matter of a couple hours to hear something back, and within 24 hours the deal was done and delivery date set 36 hours from contact. Here we are a little over a week later and the upgrade is on the premisses, and I already have an install date for DEC1st. I really don't think many other manufactures would have been able to move so fast, especially knowing how many units M&R is shipping right now, and having a few of these specifically done for a few of us board members so fast speaks miles. I can't wait to see how this one will do. I'm being told it's miles above what we've been using and I have to say the imaging from our original model was several times better than film. Big thanks out to 244 and the M&R group for working with us!!