I should qualify my flashing statement- we have never ran a flash on a wb/dc job and we run up to 6 colors. I just see where a "half" flash, just enough to move a little water out, in the middle of, say, a 6 co run is a quick and easy fix and would increase print quality and maybe even save a little ink by preventing the need to 2x stroke the first color(s) down.
Plastisol tends to squish around and we all have to fight that build up with various approaches but when using it but WB is so different in that you are dealing with the suction of a soaking wet ink layer and sometimes getting just a titch of that water out of there makes an immense difference.
Heck, to achieve this effect you could probably just run a plain old fan in one head, like a cool down, so long as you could buffer it to keep from drying out adjacent screens. No heat then and not much more in energy costs but it does eat up a head.