Author Topic: any Square Up users face this issue?  (Read 8341 times)

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #30 on: June 23, 2012, 07:12:34 PM »
We really never had any problems.

I've done several payments of over 1k and a few over 2k and never once had an issue.  Usually the card is not available for those purchases (wholesale customers in other cities).

We've since been offering "cash discounts" to those customers if they write us a check on delivery and they usually opt for that.  We've also moved unto a "real" terminal processing service for that business and don't deal with Square much.  But when we did, it worked well for us.

I would feel much better if they had a customer service hotline, not having one is a HUGE turn off! Square is holding enough money to put me under if they force me to wait out the 30 days, so I'm getting VERY nervious.

Offline cclaud3

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #31 on: June 23, 2012, 07:29:58 PM »

Sorry I had to get that out  ;D

cclaud3,  I just requested a higher limit how long did that take because man I'm in one hell of a jam!

Just remembered that there were 2 forms. 24 hours after the first one was submitted, another one popped up with a few more personal questions on it. I just filled in a few fields, since all of them weren't required. Money/limit was cleared within 2 days of the second form.

What kind of personal questions? Do they credit check you?

No credit check. Questions were like: What do you expect the new average charge to be?, What's the largest charge you expect, What percentage of your sales are through credit cards, annual sales, etc. I left it all blank as it wasn't required-- bizarre that they allowed it.

I had a regular merchant account and converted over to Square. I'm good at deciphering bills, but geez you needed a degree in accounting to understand the mess of a statement each month. I felt it was intentionally cryptic--it looked like they were making exceptions, in their favor, to the percentages they received.

Square's account is very easy to understand. My only gripe is that I wish they would take the fees out in one charge at the end of the month. They take them out as you go and I have to add extra entries in quickbooks to track the expense and payments received.

Offline Hegemone

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any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #32 on: June 25, 2012, 02:11:27 PM »
If your using quick books consider intuit's GoPayment. Forgive me if it's been mentioned. I have been nothing but pleased with the service and also their web interface. It's also a tad cheaper in 90 percent of payment scenarios.

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #33 on: June 25, 2012, 03:20:07 PM »
If your using quick books consider intuit's GoPayment. Forgive me if it's been mentioned. I have been nothing but pleased with the service and also their web interface. It's also a tad cheaper in 90 percent of payment scenarios.

Intuit had some pretty nasty customer reviews as well , they all suck really... but at least they have a customer service number. 

I'm still waiting for Square's email repsonce.... mofo's

Offline Hegemone

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any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #34 on: June 25, 2012, 04:43:22 PM »
When a company handles money they often have some pretty negative reviews because people can get pretty bent out of shape pretty easily and their the ones that tend to yell the loudest. My experience has been stellar they have even been better then with my PayPal account who keeps reviewing and holding payments over 100 bucks. I even tried payanywhere and ran away once I saw they had no online interface or statement functions. All of these companies have a lot to work in before they are really more then casual payment solutions. Then again so do merchant services providers and their infinite fees and monthly rates for the priveledge of collecting a cut of every sale. Just start tweeting about square sucking and I bet your issue gets resolved. Yay for the founder of twitter starting a financial service lol. 

Hope it gets sorted soon for you. 

Offline Gilligan

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #35 on: June 25, 2012, 06:56:22 PM »
When a company handles money they often have some pretty negative reviews because people can get pretty bent out of shape pretty easily and their the ones that tend to yell the loudest. My experience has been stellar they have even been better then with my PayPal account who keeps reviewing and holding payments over 100 bucks. I even tried payanywhere and ran away once I saw they had no online interface or statement functions. All of these companies have a lot to work in before they are really more then casual payment solutions. Then again so do merchant services providers and their infinite fees and monthly rates for the priveledge of collecting a cut of every sale. Just start tweeting about square sucking and I bet your issue gets resolved. Yay for the founder of twitter starting a financial service lol. 

Hope it gets sorted soon for you.

Exactly... I've had a great experience and yet I didn't go write a review... I'm happy with my current provider but I didn't write a review.  But you can damn well bet that if I had problems I'd be shouting from the mountain tops about them.  That's the nature of man.

That's what the book Customer Satisfaction is Worthless (recommended on this site) is all about.  A satisfied customer will just go about his business and MAY come back if it works for him.  But they won't rant and rave about your business.  A loyal customer will... you have to work hard to get a loyal customer.  A pissed off customer will also rant and rave about your business... and it's not hard to make those kind of customers.

Offline royster13

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #36 on: June 26, 2012, 12:34:12 AM »
If your credit "sucks" pretty much every company will cause you grief from time to time......

Offline Shawn (EIP)

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #37 on: July 19, 2012, 10:30:57 AM »
It took a month but I finally have my money and limits raised to 3 grand a week. Not sure if I want to risk still using them...

Offline mk162

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #38 on: July 19, 2012, 10:35:08 AM »
i haven't switched yet, but I am looking at a company called unibul that is 1.89% flat rate, period.  I am still digging through the paperwork to find the hidden fees.

Offline Denis Kolar

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #39 on: July 19, 2012, 10:52:44 AM »
i haven't switched yet, but I am looking at a company called unibul that is 1.89% flat rate, period.  I am still digging through the paperwork to find the hidden fees.

LUK  (Let us know) :)

Offline Gilligan

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Re: any Square Up users face this issue?
« Reply #40 on: July 19, 2012, 06:43:32 PM »
Brad I forgot the exact rates right now, but I think I have one with a 1.29 for "qualified" rates and .99% for debit cards.  Up to 1% more for other cards... I think it's actually been some 2.99's but that might be keyed and I might be mistaken.  Can't find a statement or the paper work right now. (busy/lazy/reorganizing paperwork... take your pick).